
  • 网络This is Our China
  1. 然而在东方管理文化中,我们的中国CEO总是关心他的经理们大老远跑来参加会议。

    Whereas in the Eastern oriented management , our Chinese CEO would always feel concern for his managers having to travel so far to be in the meeting .

  2. 新闻集团旗下的道琼斯公司(DowJones)表示:“在外部律师和审计人员对我们的中国业务进行全面审查后,我们没有发现任何违规证据。”

    News Corp 's Dow Jones subsidiary said that " after a thorough review of our operations in China conducted by outside lawyers and auditors , we have not found any evidence of impropriety . "

  3. AREVA苏州工厂将会为我们的中国客户提供他们应当享有的世界级的、最先进的技术。

    Our plant will supply our customers with the latest available technology , the world class technology that our Chinese customer deserves .

  4. 当时的挑战是,我们的中国游客中许多都不熟悉迪士尼的故事,迪士尼亚太地区销售总监邓庆玲(NickyTang)指的是老一辈游客。

    A challenge was many of our Chinese guests were not familiar with the Disney stories , said Nicky Tang , director of Asia Pacific sales for Disney Destinations , of the older generation of tourists .

  5. 在一条发布在公司官方博客的简短声明中,谷歌表示,它在中国的互联网信息服务(icp)执照已获得延期,这将允许它继续“向我们的中国用户提供互联网搜索和本地化产品”。

    In two lines of text posted on its own blog , Google said that the renewal of its Internet content provider licence would allow it to continue providing " web search and local products to our users in China " .

  6. 要来尝尝我们的中国菜吗?

    Would you like to come and taste our Chinese dishes ?

  7. 我向我们的中国客人表示热烈欢迎。

    I extend a warm welcome to our Chinese guests .

  8. 我也希望我们的中国国内的五子棋朋友安全平安!

    I also hope our renju friends in China are all safe !

  9. 中国常见翻译是我们的中国雇员翻译的,更加口语化。

    Chinese common translation is the interpretation from a mainland Chinese speaker .

  10. 但我们的中国顾客觉得,我们的应用使用起来非常便利。

    But our Chinese customers feel our applications are very convenient to use .

  11. 请你来尝一尝我们的中国菜好吗?

    Won 't you come over and try some of our Chinese dishes ?

  12. 我向我们的中国朋友表示最深切的哀悼!

    My deepest condolences to our Chinese friends .

  13. 去年我们的中国市场增长了24%。

    Last year it grew 24 % .

  14. 最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。

    And finally , I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts .

  15. 我们的中国是一个农业大国,水稻是中国第一粮食作物。

    China is a large agricultural country , rice is the first food crop in China .

  16. 新的办公地址代表了更加专业的公司形象,给我们的中国区雇员提供了更好的工作环境。

    The new office presents a more professional image and improved working environment for our China staff .

  17. 我相信我们的中国朋友的崇高理想一定会在本世纪末实现的。

    I am sure the lofty ideals of our Chinese friends will be realized by the end of this century .

  18. 根据我们的中国金融状况指数,自去年10月份以来,中国金融状况的宽松程度大幅提高了520个基点。

    According to our Chinese financial conditions index , conditions have eased a huge 520 basis points since last October .

  19. 我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。

    I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements .

  20. 向往常一样,今天我们的中国客人非常感谢你们的热情,他们在美国学校渡过的第一天很愉快。

    As usual , our Chinese guests appreciated your hospitality today , and they enjoyed their first experience in an American school .

  21. 图画,在这里再生,基本的贡献无疑地是藉着对我们的中国建筑学的历史理解的两吗。

    The drawings , reproduced here , are unquestionably fundamental contributions by Liang to our understanding of the history of Chinese architecture .

  22. 但同样重要的是,我们的中国业务和我们在全球其它地方的业务是一体的。

    Just as important , however , is that our China operations are integrated with our other operations all around the world .

  23. 在过去的几年里,我从我们的中国学生那里了解到中秋节在中国的重要地位。

    In the last few years , I 've learned from our Chinese students about the importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival in China .

  24. 出于真正的防御目的,巴基斯坦需要无人机,而我们的中国兄弟又一次没有辜负我们的期望,上述巴基斯坦官员表示。

    Pakistan needs drones for its genuine defence purposes and our Chinese brothers have once again risen to our expectations , the official said .

  25. 但是我们的中国学生非常的优秀,并且在数学,经济学,金融学和管理学等专业取得非常好的成绩。

    And our Chinese students have very very good qualitative so tend to do very well in our math , economics , commerce and management .

  26. 是的,为方便我们的中国客户换算,我们显示由美元实时转换而得的人民币价格。

    Yes , for the convenience of our Chinese customers we display RMB prices which are converted in real time from the underlying US dollars .

  27. 事实上,美国有光会讶异于我们的中国朋侪说他们不体会我们对们的远大文明的敬佩。

    Indeed , Americans are sometimes surprised to hear that our friends the Chinese do not understand the admiration that we have for your great civilization .

  28. 听到这话,我告诉他们在这个世界上有很多美丽的国家,但它们都不能和我们的中国相提并论。

    Hearing this , I told them there were lots of beautiful countries in the world , but none of them can compare with our own country-China .

  29. 为了更好地服务于大中华区幕墙业界,斯意达于2002年在香港特别行政区注册,成为工程顾问有限公司,并于次年注册我们的中国公司。

    To better serving facade industry in great China region , we are registered in Hong Kong SAR as a limited company in2002 and registered our China office in2003 .

  30. 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震&这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。

    However , in this case before the terrorist disaster , we Chinese people no retreat , to join us Shou Wanshou to challenge this earthquake & Zhangyawuzhao the devil .