
  • We are a family;we are family;We Are One
  1. 如果Nancy认为由于我们是一家人,她肯定可以得到我的特殊照顾。

    If Nancy thinks she can get any spccial treatment from me because we are family .

  2. 你和我,我们是一家人。

    You and me , we are family .

  3. 我们是一家人,Harry。

    We 're a family , Harry .

  4. 这是Stewart家的传统。我们是一家人。

    It 's a Stewart tradition . We 're a family .

  5. 我是你姐,我们是一家人。

    Serena : I 'm your sister . We 're us .

  6. 没错,甜心,我们是一家人。

    Bob : Yes , sweetheart , we are a family .

  7. 我们是一家人,我爱你们!

    We are a family , I love all of you .

  8. 我们是一家人谁将会围绕我们的优势团队。

    We are a people who will build teams around our strengths .

  9. 我们是一家人谁拥抱变革的准备和立场。

    We are a people who embrace and stand ready for change .

  10. 艾米莉你知道的我们是一家人我在哪里

    I 'm Emily.You know that.We are family.Where am I ?

  11. 对吧我们是一家人不是吗

    Am I ? We 're a family , aren 't we ?

  12. 但我们是一家人,我们会在一起来克服这样的难关。

    But we are a family and will pull together and get through .

  13. 只需要知道这一点,我们是一家人。

    Just know that . We 're a family .

  14. 你难道不觉得我们是一家人吗?

    Don 't you think of us as family ?

  15. 我们是一家人,生活幸福美满。

    We 're a family , living so happily .

  16. 再加上,你知道,我们是一家人,

    Plus , you know , you 're family and , you know ...

  17. 我也相信在大西洋我们是一家人。

    I believe we 're family here at atlantic .

  18. 她希望我们是一家人。

    She wanted us to be a familly .

  19. 阿婆,不要谢,我们是一家人。

    Old lady , no need to say thanks , we are one family .

  20. 你真的认为我们是一家人?

    Do you truly believe we are family ?

  21. 让你们知道,我们是一家人唷。

    To let you know we are family .

  22. 对于许多人来说是无论如何也想不到我们是一家人。

    Even the idea of us as a family was challenging to most people .

  23. 但是因为我们是一家人

    but Because We Are All A Family ,

  24. 现在我们是一家人。

    We are all one family now .

  25. 而现在我们是一家人了,我要跟你们讲和。

    But now that we 're family , I can make it up to you .

  26. 因为我们是一家人,我们都是美国人。

    ( Applause . ) Because we are all family and we are all Americans .

  27. 我们是一家人谁是勇敢和愿意接受新的挑战。

    We are a people who are courageous and willing to take on new challenges .

  28. 我们是一家人谁公开,尊重并致力于让别人更好。

    We are a people who are open , respectful and dedicated to making others better .

  29. 因为我们是一家人。

    Because we are family .

  30. 我们是一家人谁拥有激情的挑战,成功和获胜的球队。

    We are a people who have a passion for challenge , success and being on a winning team .