
yà dà
  • Adah;Asia and Oceania
  1. 这是在以东地从以利法所出的族长,都是亚大的子孙。

    These were the chiefs descended from Eliphaz in Edom ; they were grandsons of Adah .

  2. 拉麦娶了两个妻,一个名叫亚大,一个名叫洗拉。

    And Lamech took unto him two wives : the name of the one was Adah , and the name of the other Zillah .

  3. 新版亚大地区F2电离层频率预测方法

    A New Method of Predicting the Ionospheric F_2 Layer in the Asia Oceania Region

  4. 乐靖宜在亚特亚大奥运会上荣获一枚金牌。

    Le jingyi , won a gold medal at the Atlanta olympics .

  5. 斯卡利亚大法官呈递了法院意见。

    JUSTICE SCALIA delivered the opinion of the Court .

  6. 高层建筑中的生态空间塑造&长沙亚大数码信息港方案设计

    The Moulding of Ecological Space in High-rise Building & the Design of Yada Digital Port in Changsha

  7. 高层建筑空中花园使用后评价研究&以长沙市亚大时代大厦为例

    On Post - occupancy Evaluation of Hanging Gardens in High-rise Buildings & Taking Yada Office Building as a Case

  8. 通过田间试验,研究了草甸土施用亚大Ⅱ号牌水稻旱育苗床土调制剂对水稻秧苗体内某些生化特性的影响。

    The effects of the meadow soil treated with seedling-stimulating agent on the biochemical characteristics of rice seedlings were studied .

  9. 创4:20亚大生雅八、雅八就是住帐棚牧养牲畜之人的祖师。

    Adah gave birth to Jabal ; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock .

  10. 利用水电极在真空玻璃箱内的亚大气压条件下实现了介质阻挡均匀辉光放电。

    A water electrode was used to realize glow dielectric barrier discharge at sub-atmospheric pressure in a vacuum glass cavity .

  11. 然而,尼西亚争论仍在继续,亚大纳西派曾一度被击败,阿里乌派得到恢复。

    The Nicene controversy continued , however , and at one time the Athanasian faction was defeated and Arius was reinstated .

  12. 亚大纳西的回答之所以正确,显然不在于他以巧妙的迂回辞令避免了撒谎,而是特定环境下说谎并不为过。

    The correct defence of Athanasius is surely not that he avoided a lie by ingenious circumlocution , but that the circumstances justified lying .

  13. 各种各样的荷球比赛不断举行,中国荷球队在亚大荷球锦标赛中取得第二名的成绩赢得了参加第九届世界荷球锦标赛的机会。

    Korfball match all kinds have been held , China Dutch team got the second prize in the Korfball Championship win in the Ninth World Korfball championship .

  14. 亚大集团将以创新为发展动力,向国内外燃气行业不断提供高性能的燃气管道系统及解决方案。

    Taking innovation as the drive for development , Chinaust Group has been supplying continuously the gas pipe systems and providing solutions to the gas industries in home and abroad .

  15. 通过对喷嘴结构及布局的流体动力学分析,连续雾化工艺的理想条件是在导液管出口附近存在一个亚大气压的区域。

    The hydrodynamic analysis of the structure and layout of nozzle showed that the ideal conditions of continuous atomizing were the presence of subatmospheric area near the exit of delivery tube .

  16. 雄伟的圣菲亚大教堂(由东罗马帝国君主渣士丁尼一世于公元537年修建)是古代奇迹之一。罗马斗兽场(可举行赛马)的规模甚至超过罗马大剧院。

    The imposing cathedral of Hagia Sophia , built by Emperor Justinian I in 537 AD , was one of the Wonders of Late Antiquity , and the Hippodrome , where horse races were held , surpassed even the Coliseum of Rome .

  17. 拉麦对他两个妻子说,亚大,洗拉,听我的声音。拉麦的妻子,细听我的话语,壮年人伤我,我把他杀了。

    And Lamech said unto his wives , Adah and Zillah , Hear my voice ; ye wives of Lamech , hearken unto my speech : for I have slain a man to my wounding , and a young man to my hurt .

  18. 满足Complementarity的SU(9)亚夸克大统一模型

    Su ( 9 ) grand unified PREON model satisfying complementarity

  19. 探讨了纳米Al2O3粒子对复合膜亚层大空腔结构和膜表面微孔的形成机理。

    The influences of Al_2O_3 nanoparticle on the formation mechanism of composite membrane sublayer macrovoid structure and membrane surface micropore were researched .

  20. 分析比较基因转导30天组中HF和HF+SERCA2a亚组大鼠的心肌蛋白质组表达的差异;

    The difference of proteome of hearts was detected by expression proteomics between rats in Group HF + SERCA and those in HF group at 30 days after gene transfer .

  21. 分别于术前、术后1,4和8d取相应亚组大鼠肝组织标本,检测肝细胞有丝分裂指数(MI)和增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)阳性细胞数。

    On the day before hepatectomy and 1st , 4th and 8th postoperative day ( POD ), MI ( mitotic index ) of liver cell and PCNA ( proliferating cell nuclear antigen ) labeling index of hepatocyte were determined .

  22. 本文建立了一个满足在黑格斯相和禁闭相之间的Complementarity原理的SU(9)亚夸克大统一模型,预言了四代夸克和轻子的存在,并且得到了合适的超色标度。

    We constructed an SU ( 9 ) grand unified preon model which satisfies the complementarity principle between Higgs phase and confining phase . The model ends up with the prediction of four generations of quarks and leptons , and an appropriate hypercolor scale .

  23. A2、C2组不扩张。直肠扩张结束后1h取各亚组大鼠血清,应用酶联免疫试剂盒检测5HT、LTB4、HA、BK的含量。

    One hour after rectal distention , blood sample of each rat was collected from the heart for the measurement of the contents of 5-HT , LTB 4 , HA and BK in serum by enzyme linked immunoadsorbent assay ( ELISA ) .

  24. 手征性对禁闭弱作用亚夸克大统一模型的限制

    Constraints of chirality to unified PREON models with confining weak interactions

  25. 应用行为学检测方法评价各亚组大鼠认知功能的变化。

    To evaluate cognitive function in every experiment subgroups by behavioral tests . 3 .

  26. 传统圈养和半自然散放环境亚成年大熊猫的行为差异

    Behavioral Difference of Sub-adult Giant Pandas ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) in Traditional and Semi-natural Enclosures

  27. 谢谢你,嗨,我要去亚道夫大饭店。

    Thank you . hi . I 'd like to go to the Adelphi hotel .

  28. 比较吗啡依赖组中7个亚组大鼠自然戒断症状评分。

    Scores of natural morphine withdrawal symptoms were compared among rats in the 7 morphine-dependent subgroups .

  29. 三叉神经尾侧亚核大颗粒小泡的非突触部位胞吐及膜再循环的形态观察

    Morphological studies of large dense core vesicle nonsynaptic exocytosis and membrane recycling in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis

  30. 某型飞机高亚声速大迎角横向静稳定性改善研究

    Investigation of improving the lateral static stability for the aircraft applied to high-subsonic flow and high angle of attack