
  • 网络apollo
  1. 我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了。惟有神叫他生长。

    I have planted , Apollos watered ; but God gave the increase .

  2. 亚波罗必须在那里先起开垦的工作。

    Apollos must come there for pioneer work .

  3. 你要尽力资助西纳律师和亚波罗的旅程,使他们不致缺乏。

    Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently , that nothing be wanting unto them .

  4. 从这一段,我们也看到亚居拉与百基拉纠正亚波罗对基督的认识。

    From this passage , we also learn that Aquilla and Priscilla helped Apollos in correcting his knowledge of Christ .

  5. 林前十六12至于亚波罗弟兄,我再三地劝他,要同弟兄们到你们那里去;

    Cor.16:12 And concerning our brother Apollos , I urged him many times to come to you with the brothers ;

  6. 有说,我是属亚波罗的。这岂不是你们和世人一样吗。

    For while one saith , I am of Paul ; and another , I am of Apollos ; are ye not carnal ?

  7. 或保罗,或亚波罗,或矶法,或世界,或生,或死,或现今的事,或将来的事,全是你们的。

    Whether Paul , or Apollos , or Cephas , or the world , or life , or death , or things present , or things to come ; all are yours ;

  8. 林前一12我是说,你们各人说,我是属保罗的,我是属亚波罗的,我是属矶法的,我是属基督的。

    1 cor.1:12 now I mean this , that each of you says , I am of paul , and I of apollos , and I of cephas , and I of christ .

  9. 至于兄弟亚波罗,我再三的劝他,同弟兄们到你们那里去。但这时他决不愿意去。

    As touching our brother Apollos , I greatly desired him to come unto you with the brethren : but his will was not at all to come at this time ; but he will come when he shall have convenient time .