
zhǔ tí
  • theme;subject;subject matter;contents;motif;heading;topical subject;subject theme
主题 [zhǔ tí]
  • (1) [motif]∶文艺作品中所表现的中心思想

  • 有足够的材料来阐明这些主题

  • (2) [subject matter]∶文艺创作的主要题材

  • 它正成为我们的文艺创作的重要主题

  • (3) [theme;subject theme]∶音乐中重复的并由它扩展的短曲;主旋律(如奏鸣曲或交响曲中者)

  • (4) [subject]∶题目

  • 主题卡

  • 谈话的主题

主题[zhǔ tí]
  1. 这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园。

    It 's the biggest theme park outside the United States .

  2. 她在后来写的书中更详尽地阐明了这个主题。

    She develops the theme more fully in her later books .

  3. 就下面所列主题各写一个段落。

    Write a paragraph on each of the topics given below .

  4. 这些档案按主题内容贴有色标。

    The files have labels that are colour-coded according to subject .

  5. 争论脱离了讨论的主题。

    The debate veered away from the main topic of discussion .

  6. 请勿发表与讨论主题无关的言论。

    Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion .

  7. 她使一部情节简单的小说充满了复杂的主题和情感。

    She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions .

  8. 这出歌剧把爱与死的主题紧密结合在一起。

    The opera twins the themes of love and death .

  9. 英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。

    The new theme park will be Britain 's answer to Disneyland .

  10. 展览是围绕工作与休闲的主题来布置的。

    The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure .

  11. 这个主题乐园每年吸引250万游客。

    The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  12. 这首诗是对她许多著作的核心主题的概括。

    The poem encapsulates many of the central themes of her writing .

  13. 昨天《华盛顿邮报》就这一主题发表了社论。

    Yesterday the Washington Post editorialized on this subject .

  14. 总统强调了最喜欢的竞选主题——加大教育投入。

    The President stressed a favourite campaign theme ─ greater emphasis on education .

  15. 我们似乎是偏离了辩论的主题。

    We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate .

  16. 北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。

    North American literature is the main theme of this year 's festival .

  17. 婚礼是极好的录像主题。

    A wedding is the perfect subject for video .

  18. 这一主题在整部书里出现了好几次。

    This theme recurs several times throughout the book .

  19. 谈话的主题是选举可能产生的结果。

    The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election .

  20. 已经有无数书籍写过这个主题。

    Innumerable books have been written on the subject .

  21. 贫穷是她的小说中惯有的主题。

    Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels .

  22. 男性裸体人像总是希腊艺术的中心主题。

    The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art .

  23. 演讲者就她的主题越讲越起劲。

    The speaker was now warming to her theme .

  24. 他的作品大部分都是以这些主题思想为基础。

    These ideas underlie much of his work .

  25. 里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。

    In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics .

  26. 沃勒斯坦的作品可以细分成3个主要的主题。

    Wallerstein 's work can be separated into three main component themes

  27. 他选择的主题被认为是浅薄的。

    His choice of subject matter has been regarded as lowbrow .

  28. 所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。

    Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them .

  29. 她围绕这个主题添枝加叶地说了大约10分钟。

    She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes .

  30. 新近发生的事情使得他的中心主题显得更加有的放矢。

    Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite