
  • 网络main column
  1. 在听讲或阅读过程中,在主栏用简洁的语言记录下讲课内容。

    During the lecture , use the notetaking column to record the lecture using telegraphic sentences .

  2. 由于我已经有了整个应用程序的设计,因此我知道这种bullet分隔符是应用程序主控制栏所特有的,在任何其他地方都不会出现。

    Because I had the design for the full application already , I knew this bullet separator was unique to the application 's main control bar and did not appear anywhere else .

  3. 从主菜单栏中拖动任意范围元素到需求上。

    Drag any scope element from the main menu bar onto the requirement .

  4. 一旦宠物被召唤出来,另一条小些的快捷栏会出现在主快捷栏的上方。

    Once summoned , a second smaller quick bar showed up just above your main one .

  5. 所有视图都在蓝框中显示,该框架包含应用标题和徽标、一些链接、主导航栏和一个子导航栏。

    All views are displayed within the blue frame , which contains the application title and logo , some links , the main navigation bar , and a subnavigation bar .

  6. EWB是一个优秀的电子电路设计与仿真的软件,主窗口由菜单栏、工具栏、元器件库和仪器仪表栏、控制按钮栏、电路工作区组成。

    EWB is a excellent software of electronic circuit design and simulation . Its main window consists of menus 、 toolbars 、 parts bin toolbar 、 control pushbutton and drawing area .

  7. 被删帖主可于本栏投诉,但管理员不保证该投诉不被删除。

    Owners of those posts deleted can complain within the column , but administrator will not guarantee such posts will always be where they are .

  8. 这些囚犯要这样串在一起干90天活儿;他们要清理排水沟上的杂草,要维修沿阿拉巴马主干道的防护栏。

    The prisoners will work for up to 90 days on the gang : they 'll clear ditches of weeds and mend fences along Alabama 's main roads .