
zhǔ jiàng
  • commanding general;chief commander;mainstay;key person;the most important athlete in a sports team
主将 [zhǔ jiàng]
  • (1) [chief commander;commanding general]∶军队的主要将领

  • (2) [key person]∶起到关健作用的人

  • 我们队的主将全部上场了

主将[zhǔ jiàng]
  1. 成果内容提要衡阳之役与当时中国的政治走向有着直接关系。为此,方先觉作为是役主将,其投敌与否也就不是孤立的个人行为。

    As the battle of Hengyang had a direct effect on China 's political struggles , the surrender of Fang Xianjue , the chief commander of the battle , to the enemy was not a simple , individual act .

  2. 监军的职责主要是催督地方军事,参与主将的军事谋划和为军人录勋。

    The main function of the Jianjun were urging local military action , participating in the chief commander 's military scheme and recording merits of the soldiers .

  3. 下届奥林匹克运动会的东道主将是希腊。

    The host country for the next Olympic Games will be greece .

  4. 赵简子听完公卢望的故事,像做梦刚醒过来一样,说:“现在,我去进攻别国,有可能失败,那我不就反而成了亡国的主将。”

    After Zhao Jianzi heard Gong Luwang 's story , he looked as if he had just wakened from a dream . He said : " Now , if I attack other states , I may possibly fail , then I 'll become the subject of a subjugated state . "

  5. 当一位德国博主将这本小册子上传到网上之后,Chrome团队只得手忙脚乱地处理这个意外。

    After a German blogger posted the comic book online , the Chrome team had to scramble to handle the fiasco .

  6. 调查还将涉及google与广告主的合同关系,尤其将关注这样一些指控:google强迫广告主接受排他性义务,并限制广告主将自己的数据转移至竞争平台。

    It will also probe the contractual relationship which Google has with advertisers . In particular , it will explore allegations that Google imposes exclusivity obligations and restricts advertisers from moving their data to competing platforms .

  7. 这些债券是以IMF发行的准货币特别提款权(SDR)计价的,中国正力主将特别提款权作为替代美元全球储备货币地位的一个可能选择。

    The notes are denominated in Special Drawing Rights , a quasicurrency issued by the fund and promoted by China as a potential replacement for the dollar as the world 's reserve currency .

  8. 但是这本小册子却意外地于星期一率先登陆德国,而那天德国并不放假。当一位德国博主将这本小册子上传到网上之后,Chrome团队只得手忙脚乱地处理这个意外。

    But the comic books arrived in Germany on Monday , and it was not a holiday there . After a German blogger posted the comic book online , the Chrome team had to scramble to handle the fiasco .

  9. 这位奥斯卡奖得主将在Waze(一款支持iOS和安卓系统的免费导航软件)上为美国司机、旅客导航。

    The Oscar winner will aid US drivers and travellers on Waze , a free app available for download on iOS and android phones .

  10. 魔主将他们派来是为了最后的战争。

    The devil has released them for the final battle .

  11. 今天傍晚六点钟,那位店主将已关店了。

    The storekeeper will have closed his store by6 o'clock this evening .

  12. 但是几乎没有任何迹象表明,潜在买主将回归。

    But there are few signs of potential buyers returning .

  13. 而这些买主将毫无疑问来自中国之外。

    Those buyers will undoubtedly be located outside China .

  14. 主将犹大居民踹下,像在酒榨中一样。

    In his winepress the Lord has trampled the virgin daughter of judah .

  15. 商店的店主将成为给你提供有用信息的朋友。

    The store owner will become the friend who gives valuable information to you .

  16. 万能的主将会保佑所有人。

    May God Almighty will bless you .

  17. 这个事件中的主将说,他就不会要求死刑。

    The commanding general in the case says he will not seek the death penalty .

  18. 身为裨将,必须努力配合主将的工作。

    As a subordinate general , you have to cooperate fully with the commanding general .

  19. 一个潜在买主将行走在另一个大门就像是离开。

    One potential buyer will be walking in the door just as another is leaving .

  20. 就在保罗受伤后不久,快船队另一位主将布雷克·格里芬的左股四头肌也出现了问题。

    Shortly after Paul suffered his injury , Blake Griffin suffered a left quad injury .

  21. 五四白话文运动主将的近代白话报刊实践(1903&1909)

    May Fourth Vernacular Movement s Main Initiators Vernacular Newspaper Practice in Modern Times ( 1903-1909 );

  22. 主将犹大的处女踹踏,像在酒中一样。

    The Lord has trodden , as in a winepress , the virgin daughter of judah .

  23. 作为乡土文学的主将,他却进行着都市题材的创作。

    Although he is the representative of the rural literature , his works focus on city .

  24. 武王问太公说:任命主将的方式如何?

    King Wu asked Tai Gong : What is the process of appointing the commanding general ?

  25. 战后组织俄亥俄州共和党力量的主将是雷儿布利斯。

    The chief architect of post war Republican organizational strength into Ohio was Ray C. Bliss .

  26. 秦军主将白起,领兵乘胜追击,包围了赵国都城邯郸。

    Qin 's troops laid siege to Handan , the capital of the State of Zhao .

  27. 主将精通军事、精于权变,君主又不加干预的,胜。

    He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign .

  28. 竟陵派是明末诗学流派之一,其得力主将是钟惺、谭元春。

    The Jingling school is one of styles about poetics in the end of the Ming dynasty .

  29. 大陆会议前,乔治。华盛顿任职为大陆军团的主将。

    Before the continental congress , George Washington resigned as commander in chief of the continental army .

  30. 腓力对他说,求主将父显给我们看,我们就知足了。

    Philip saith unto him , Lord , shew us the Father , and it sufficeth us .