
zhǔ wèi wèi yǔ jù
  • Subject predicate predicate sentence;sentence with a clause as predicate
  1. 认为在S1+S2+V的句子中,如果S1表时间或地点,那么该类句子不能看作主谓谓语句。

    It is thought that in S1 + S2 + V sentences , if S1 indicates time or place , they can not be considered as Subject-predicate Predicate Sentence .

  2. 近代汉语中的主谓谓语句举隅

    Sentences with a Subject-predicate Phrase as its Predicate in Modern Chinese

  3. 试以三个平面分析主谓谓语句的类型

    Analysis on the Classification of Subject-predicate Predicate Sentence by Three Levels

  4. 主谓谓语句的构成及维译法

    The Form and Translation of Subject - Predicate Clause as Predicate

  5. 副词也在主谓谓语句中的位置

    Position of Adverb Ye in Sentences With Subject Predicate Phrases as Predicates

  6. 主谓谓语句是现代汉语特有的句式。

    Subject-predicate sentence is one of special sentence pattern in modern Chinese .

  7. 主谓谓语句是语法界研究的一个热点问题,各家观点各异,说法众多。

    Clausal predicate is a hot issue in the discipline of grammatical study .

  8. 主谓谓语句用于表示存在自古而然,早已成为不争的事实。

    It is a early fact that S-P predicate sentences express existential meaning .

  9. 从句法、语义、语用三个平面的结合看主谓谓语句的本质

    On the Essence of Subject-predicate Predicate Sentence with the Organization of Syntactic , Semantic and Pragmatic

  10. 主谓谓语句的转换分析

    Transposition of the sentence

  11. 主谓谓语句是现代汉语中既富有特色又常见的句型,特别在口语中,这种句型得到广泛的运用。

    The S-P predicate sentence is a typical sentence pattern in modern Chinese . It has been used extensively , especially in oral Chinese .

  12. 本文以大量的语料为基础,在前人的认识基础上,提出以停顿作为主要的形式标志来确定主谓谓语句的范围。

    As a result , this thesis proposes that pause can be regarded as the main formal mark to define the range of this sentence pattern .

  13. 主谓谓语句是现代汉语的一种基本句型,具有典型的汉语言特点。

    " The structure of subject predicate used as predicate of the sentence " is a basic sentence pattern in modern Chinese which possesses a typical Chinese characteristics .

  14. 主谓谓语句里当大主语、小主语为受事与施事的分别时,是不用被动标志而能表示被动意义的句子格式。

    In a subject + verb + verb sentence , when the major and minor subject are the recipient and agent respectively , it is the sentence pattern of passive voice without the use of typical passive symbols .

  15. 中位句型有动词谓语句、名词谓语句、形容词谓语句、主谓谓语句、数词谓语句、助动词谓语句、副词谓语句和代词谓语句8个。

    There are eight sentence patterns in the second level , which are verb-predicate sentence , noun-predicate sentence , abjective-predicate sentence , subject-predicate predicate sentence , numberal predicate sentence , auxiliary verb-predicate sentence , adverb-predicate sentence and pronoun-predicate sentence .

  16. 主谓谓语句作为汉语一个很有特点的句式,一直是汉语语法学界关注的重点,也是二语学习者习得的难点句式之一。

    As one of the characteristic structures in Chinese , Sentences predicated by a subject-predicate phrase is always the focus of the attention among the field of Chinese linguistics , also one of the difficulty points among the second language learners .

  17. 主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句型,本文根据大主语的不同,将主谓谓语句分为四种句式:(1)名词+主谓短语;

    The sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate is a special sentence pattern in Chinese . According to the difference in the subject , This article classifies it into four sentence types : ( 1 ) Noun phrase + subject predicate phrase ;

  18. 最后,通过与一般主谓句的比较,分析两类主谓谓语句在篇章中的表述价值及表达功能。

    Last , the thesis analyzes the value and function of the expression in passage by the tuo types of Subject-predicate predicate sentence .