
fù jiā yí wèn jù
  • tag question;question tag
  1. 这八个主要类型的问题有特殊疑问句,陈述疑问句,正向是非问句,反向是非问句,含有情态词的是非问句,正反问句,附加疑问句,选择疑问句。

    The eight major types of questions are : wh-question , declarative question , positive yes-no question , negative yes-no question , yes-no question with modal auxiliaries , X not X question , tag question , and alternative question .

  2. 附加疑问句是英语口语中很常见的一种语言现象。

    The tag question is a very common linguistic phenomenon in oral English .

  3. 中国EFL学习者附加疑问句口语产出具备如下特点:附加问句产出率低,未能起到有效促进会话的作用,降低了其中介语交流的交互性与包容性;

    Chinese EFL learners ' oral production of tag questions is characterized by the rare occurrence of TQs , which results in a low degree of interactivity and solidarity in their discourse .

  4. 英汉语附加疑问句语法化比较

    A Comparative Study of Grammaticalization of Tag Questions in English and Chinese

  5. 相信和怀疑:附加疑问句认知研究

    Belief and Doubt : Epistemology of Tag Questions

  6. 英语附加疑问句的动态研究

    A dynamic study of tag questions in English

  7. 委婉请求附加疑问句中动词的不一致

    On " disagreement " in English tag questions

  8. 英语附加疑问句是具有疑问句表层结构的独立语法单位。

    The English tag question is an independent grammar unit with the interrogative surface structure .

  9. 陈述性附加疑问句的意义

    The Meaning of the Declarative Tag Question

  10. 英语附加疑问句特例分析

    The Analysis of the Special Tag Question

  11. 给下列问句加上附加疑问句。别忘了加问号。

    Add the tags to these questions . Don 't forget to add the question mark .

  12. 浅析英语中的附加疑问句

    Analysis on Tag Question in English

  13. 附加疑问句与礼貌策略

    Tag Questions and Politeness Strategies

  14. 英语附加疑问句探析

    On English Tag Questions

  15. 文章运用图形-背景理论,以构型为基础的认知视角出发,对英语附加疑问句所蕴涵的结构单位之间的认知关系进行分析。

    This paper attempts to explore the cognitive management of tag question in English on the basis of the Figure-Ground theory .

  16. 本文以布朗和莱文森(1987)的礼貌原则作为研究的理论框架,分析附加疑问句与礼貌策略的关系。

    This study relies on the Politeness Principle proposed by Brown and Levinson ( 1987 ) to examine the relationship between tag questions and politeness strategies .

  17. 本文比较了英汉语附加疑问句的语法结构体和英汉语附加疑问句语法化的方式、过程、程度和形态。

    This paper is a comparison of the grammatical syntagma and grammaticalization process , manner , degree and formation of tag questions in English and Chinese .

  18. 在有可能对听话者构成威胁的情况下,附加疑问句作为润滑剂保留住了听话者的面子和独立人格。

    In the cases of posing potential threat to the hearers , tag questions are a good facilitator in maintaining the integrity and independence of the addressee .

  19. 在特定语境下,附加疑问句作为礼貌策略的一种实现形式,减轻面子威胁行为并且照顾到听话人的积极或消极面子。

    In specific contexts , tag questions act as the realization of politeness strategies to mitigate face-threatening acts and attend the hearers ' positive face or negative face .

  20. 现代汉语中的附加疑问句和吧字问句是两类典型的询问句特有表达式,而且从渊源上看,两类问句间存有密切关系。

    The tag question and question ended with " ba " are two typical expression forms of interrogative sentence which , from their origin , have a close relationship .

  21. 本文的研究着眼于把附加疑问句作为积极礼貌策略或消极礼貌策略,进而分析在口语交际中,附加疑问句的不同语用功能如何照顾到对话者的积极面子或消极面子。

    The major concern of the present study is to consider tag questions as positive or negative politeness strategies and analyze their pragmatic functions related to the negative face wants and positive face wants of the interlocutors .

  22. 浅析中国英语学习者回答S+Aux+not+P,Aux+S?附加疑问句的语用失误及其对大学英语教学的启示

    A Brief Analysis of Chinese EFL Learners Pragmatic Failures in Yes / No Response to S + Aux + not + P , Aux + S ? Tag Questions & its Implications in Chinas College English Teaching

  23. 为了正确地使用这种特殊的问句形式,本文收集了各类常用附加疑问句,通过逐一分析,以期对这一语言现象作一较为全面的解释。

    For the purpose of the correct use of this kind of specific question , this paper make somewhat of a thorough collection of various tag questions , analyzing them one after another , so that a satisfactory explanation would be presented .