
  • 网络additive;Admixture
  1. 本文介绍了我公司冬季施工所采用的T-40和S-40低温附加剂的应用方法及注意事项。

    In the article , some application methods and some considerations in using T-40 and S-40 low temperature additives in author 's company are introduced .

  2. 亲水/亲脂性附加剂对乳酸-羟乙醇酸共聚物微球中蛋白释放的影响

    Effect of hydrophilic / hydrophobic additives on protein release from PLGA microspheres

  3. 环糊精(CD)及其衍生物作为一类安全有效的鼻腔制剂附加剂,能明显的促进药物吸收,增加药物的生物利用度。

    As one of safe and effective excipients in nasal drug formulations , cyclodextrins can enhance the absorption and the bioavailability of the drugs for nasal delivery .

  4. 羟丙基甲基纤维素酞酸酯游离膜的溶解性及附加剂的影响

    Dissolution rate of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate ( HPMCP ) free films and effects

  5. 辅料指生产药品和调配处方时所用的赋形剂和附加剂。

    " Supplementary materials " refers to excipients and additives used in the production and making up of drugs .

  6. 通过这些研究,寻找最稳定的晶型以及抑制转化的适宜附加剂,用于制备稳定且可热压灭菌的倍他米松复方混悬型注射剂。

    Finally , the most stable crystal form and some inhibitor were chosen to prepare stable betamethasone acetate suspension for injection which could be sterilized .

  7. 药用辅料是生产药品和调配处方时所用的赋形剂或附加剂,对药品质量起着至关重要的作用。

    Medical excipient supplies , the production and distribution of prescription drugs or additives are using excipients , which play a vital role in the quality of medicines .

  8. 在8种常用注射液的附加剂中以硫代硫酸钠,亚硫酸钠对总黄酮的稳定性影响较大,使总黄酮含量降低21.98%~12.07%。

    In the additives for the eight kinds common injections , sodium thiosulphate and sodium sulfate made the sterilized stability of the flavonoids descent 21.98 % ~ 12.07 % .

  9. 附加剂滑石粉对药物释放的影响较复杂,随着滑石粉比例增加,药物释放速率增加,但至一定比例后,速率降低。

    Additives such as talc had more complex effects , the release rate increased as the amount of talc increased , then decreased when the amount increased above certain level .

  10. 方法:以干浸膏量为指标对复方感冒退热口服液的提取、分离除杂工艺进行了研究,确定了最佳的提取、分离工艺流程,并筛选出口服液合理的附加剂。

    Methods : The optimal extracting and separating procedure were determined by study the extracting and separating impurity removal process with making the dry ointment content as index , and screened the reasonable additives of Oral Liquid .

  11. 目的考察室温下用饱和磷脂制备脂质体的新方法(加入特殊的附加剂)及其对以蛋白多肽类为主药的包封情况,并研究了脂质体的体外性质。

    AIM To study the entrapment efficiency of different drugs ( mainly proteins and polypeptides ) in liposomes prepared by a new method using saturated phospholipids at room temperature and the in vitro properties of obtained liposomes .

  12. 结论是,除反应底物苯胺作为部分去酸剂外,还必需附加碱性去酸剂,否则降低反应收率。

    Apart from anilines as acid - scavenging agent , addition of other basic acid-scavenging agent was necessary ; otherwise the yield of reaction product would be lowered .