
  • 网络Add-on;additional components
  1. PatternEditor窗口提供列表,以选择虚拟映像部件、附加组件和脚本包。

    The Pattern Editor window provides lists to select virtual image parts , add-ons , and script packages .

  2. 然后我们将使用addoncreate命令编写SpringRoo附加组件。

    Then we will write Spring Roo add-ons using the addon create command .

  3. 例如,在大多数Web浏览器中,视频支持由附加组件提供。

    For example , in most web browsers , video support is provided by add-ons .

  4. 我想要监控我的Java应用程序(简单的附加组件创建)

    I want to Monitor my Java application ( simple add-on creation )

  5. 您希望为SpringRoo编写附加组件。

    You want to write an add-on for Spring Roo .

  6. SpringRoo绑定了附加组件创建命令,用于创建不同类型的附加组件。

    Spring Roo comes bundled with add-on create commands for creating different types of add-ons .

  7. 一旦您拥有了转换后的messageshi.properties文件,您便可以创建该附加组件,只需输入一个命令便能完成。

    Once you have the translated messages_hi.properties file , you are ready to create the add-on by just typing a single command .

  8. 本节将会展示一些附加组件,比如列表、输入字段、复选框、单选和提交按钮,您可以使用它们构建功能全面的Web表单。

    This section presents additional components , such as lists , input fields , checkboxes , radio and Submit buttons so that you can build fully functional Web forms .

  9. 你必须始终明白这一点:你的最终用户可能会运行其它第三方的附加组件或者PHP脚本。

    Always realize that your end users may be running other add-ons or third party PHP scripts .

  10. 在开始编写附加组件之前,请确保您拥有一个正在运行的SpringRoo环境。

    Before we start writing add-ons , make sure you have a functioning Spring Roo environment .

  11. 您可以使用osgips命令查看该附加组件的状态。

    You can view the status of the add-on using the osgi ps command .

  12. SpringRoo附加组件创建命令

    Spring Roo add-on create command

  13. 您可以像使用自定义脚本一样使用附加组件:必要时可以在设备目录中创建并克隆附加组件,然后在VirtualSystemPatternEditor中将它们拖放到的部件上。

    You use add-ons like custom scripts : You create and clone them in the appliance catalog as necessary and then drag them onto parts in the Virtual System Pattern Editor .

  14. messageshi.properties是在创建附加组件时我们提供的消息包文件,被复制到资源文件夹。

    Messages_hi . properties & This is the message bundle file we provided while creating the add-on , which is copied to resources folder .

  15. PatternEditor可以通过使用部件(派生自虚拟映像)、脚本包和附加组件的托盘中的简单拖放式界面实现自定义。

    Customization in the Pattern Editor is achieved using a simple drag-and-drop interface from a pallet of parts ( derived from virtual images ), script packages , and add-ons .

  16. 所有使用@Component和@Serviceannotations注释的类都可以被注入到其他附加组件。

    All the classes annotated with @ Component and @ Service annotations can be injected into other add-ons .

  17. 到本文的最后,您将能够快速、轻松地创建您自己的SpringRoo附加组件。

    By the end of this article , you 'll be able to quickly and easily create your own add-ons for Spring Roo .

  18. 在测试了该附加组件在您的开发系统中运行良好后,您可以将该附加组件推送到我们创建的Google代码项目。

    Once you have tested that the add-on is working fine in your development system , you can push the add-on to the Google code project we created .

  19. 但是目前它们要支持这些工具,还必须对用户提出不合理的要求&比如说要求他们加载附加组件(experimentaladd-ons)。

    But at this point they support these tools only by placing unreasonable demands on users & for example , by requiring them to load experimental add-ons .

  20. SDO体系结构还包括了一些规范中没有定义的附加组件。

    The SDO architecture will also involve additional components , which are not defined by the specification .

  21. 这些附加组件创建命令来简化Roo附加组件的开发,通过创建新的附加组件

    These add-ons create commands to ease Roo add-on development by creating new add-ons that are

  22. 例如,使用Adddisk附加组件,您只需要将该附加组从PatternEditor拖放到适当的部件,然后配置参数即可。

    For example , with the Add disk add-on , you only need to drag and drop the add-on from the Pattern Editor palette to the appropriate part and then configure the parameters .

  23. 使用Rooaddoncreate命令,您能够获得自动为您的附加组件配置的上述所有功能。

    Using the Roo addon create command , you get all the features mentioned above , automatically configured for your add-ons .

  24. 现在我们已经看过了SpringRoo核心组件以及SpringRoo提供的基本附加组件,接下来我们编写自己的附加组件。

    Now that we have looked at the Spring Roo core components and base add-ons provided by Spring Roo , let 's write our own add-ons .

  25. Jazz社区的其他成员(包括ISV)将开发附加组件以向Jazz增添新功能。

    Other members of the Jazz community , including ISVs , will develop additional components to add new capabilities to Jazz .

  26. 大多数功能,如JUnit支持、SVN支持等,都由附加组件提供。

    Most of the capabilities are provided by add-ons , like JUnit support , SVN support , etc.

  27. SpringRoo核心组件:为了实现附加组件的开发,SpringRoo提供了一组核心组件,这些组件构成了不同附加组件的托管执行环境。

    Spring Roo core components : To enable add-on development , Spring Roo provides a set of core components that form a hosted execution environment for different add-ons .

  28. 它还将OSGi和Felix依赖项添加到项目中,这是让附加组件在Rooshell内运行所必需的。

    It also adds OSGi and Felix dependencies to the project , which are needed for the add-on to run inside the Roo shell .

  29. 它还不鼓励使用任何特定IDE的技术,这可能比Roo附加组件需要更复杂的开发和部署过程。

    It also discouraged using any IDE-specific techniques , which tend to require more complex development and deployment than do Roo add-ons .

  30. 这些方法允许您挂接到附加组件的生命周期,这通过底层RooOSGi容器管理。

    These methods allows you to hook into the lifecycle of the add-on , which is managed by the underlying Roo OSGi container .