
  • 网络Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang;Fushiri chutou;Aconite Center-Rectifying Decoction
  1. 综上所述,附子理中汤适用于治疗脾胃虚寒证的Hp感染疾病具有一定临床实用价值。

    In conclusion , Fuzi-Lizhong Decoction has clinical practical value in the treatment of Hp infection with Deficient cold of spleen and stomach .

  2. 加味附子理中汤配合针灸治疗早搏的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Premature Heart Beat Treated with Modified Fuzi Lizhong Tang and Acupuncture

  3. 加味附子理中汤对转移性肝癌临床疗效及免疫指标的影响在汤水中加味精调味吧!

    Modified Decoction of Aconite rationale for metastatic liver cancer Clinical efficacy and immune parameters Season soup with Accent !