
  • Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine;【辩证法】philosophy of Chinese medicine
  1. 《中医哲学基础》导论

    Introduction to Chinese Medical Philosophical Foundation

  2. 故哲学名词的演变过程与中医哲学名词的演变息息相关,尤其阴阳、五行等概念的发展演变过程更是深深影响了中医学的发展。

    Therefore , the evolution of the terms of philosophy and the evolution of Chinese philosophy is closely related . Especially the development and evolution of the concept , such as yin and yang , the five elements , is a deep influence on the development of Chinese medicine .

  3. 中医药现代化哲学思考的重要意义

    The Philosophical Consider on Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica

  4. 中医药理论的哲学分析中国传统地理学刍议

    Philosophic Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory On Traditional Geography

  5. 使中医几千年的哲学思维,终于可以在数学模型中得到新颖的诠释。

    The philosophical thought of TCM can be finally explained in mathematical model .

  6. 中医话语的语言哲学分析

    Analysis on the Language Philosophy of TCM Discourse

  7. 摘要中医理论是自然哲学性质的医学。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural-philosophized medicine .

  8. 论中医理论的自然哲学性质

    On Natural Philosophy Nature of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  9. 中医学是古代哲学、自然科学和临床经验融合一体的经验科学,这就是中医的特点。

    Chinese Medicine is an experience science produced by the mixture of the ancient philosophy , natural science and clinical practice .

  10. 论中医整体观的哲学根源和基本特征医学本科实习中儿科带教的几点体会

    On the Philosophical origin and Basic Characteristics of the Organic Conception of Chinese Traditional Medicine ; SOME EXPERIENCE OF PEDIATRIC TEACHING IN MEDICAL UNDERGRADUATE PRACTICE

  11. 研究结果支持,根据中医理论及传统哲学思想,运用中医药结合中医心理学疗法治疗围绝经期综合征疗效较好。

    Findings support , according to TCM theory and the traditional philosophy thinking , the use of TCM therapy combined TCM psychology menopausal transition syndrome curative effect is good .

  12. 本文以先秦文化史、学术史以及医学史资料为依据,结合中医理论的奠基之作《黄帝内经》的核心思想,认为对中医影响最大的哲学是中国古代的精气学说和阴阳五行学说。

    This thesis is based on culture history of the pre-Qin period , academic history and medical history materials , and combines the key thought of Yellow Emperor 's Inner Cannon .