
  1. 在中国近代小说理论史上,黄世仲的小说观念引人注目。

    In the history of Chinese modern novel theory , Huang Shi-zhong 's idea on the novel is very outstanding .

  2. 本文阐述了从五十年代至七十年代中国小说创作及小说理论史的曲折展开,并首次以更典型论对这一时期主流的小说创作理论作出了概括。

    This paper explicates the history of Chinese novel writing and novel theories from the 50s to 70s , and uses " more representative theory " to describe the mainstream novel writing in that period .

  3. 至今可见的为数不多的中国现代小说理论研究论著,或者只是对中国现代小说理论进行史的编程和描画,或者陷于对现代小说理论材料本身的归纳分析。

    Third , of the limited few works on modern Chinese fictional theory up to now , some merely picture the history of the modern Chinese fictional theory , and others only fall into a kind of summary and analysis of the existing materials .

  4. 在中国的文化文学尤其是小说史上,梁启超以自己倡导的小说界革命和政治小说奠定了他在中国近代小说理论和创作史上的无人可及的地位。

    In the history of Chinese culture ? literature ? especially novel , Liang Qichao established his highest position in the modern history of Chinese novel theory and creation by his initiating " novel field revolution " and " political novel " .