
An Intellectual Space Enjoyed by Both Sexes ── Comments on female Culture in China
Cheongsam is the typical symbol of Chinese women 's dress .
Preliminary Discussion on Female Cultural Education in Ancient China
On cultural education of women in ancient China
Initial exploration of women beauty in ancient China
The Culture of Chinese Ancient Feminality in Proverbs
With the studying , it is not difficult for us to find that the first distinctive feature on female cultural education in ancient China is family-oriented , which was the main form of female cultural education in ancient China ;
Denominate , Chinese Women and Chinese Culture
After WANG An-shi 's death , the female culture of WANG An-shi 's family ended gradually , which is a miniature of Chinese traditional family .
So it is the social and times ' requirement of building Chinese modern ceremony and propriety culture that face to the modernization , the world and the future .
This chapter makes it clear that the thesis is the culturological study of female consciousness of ancient Chinese women , taking literature as the indispensable part of the culture .
This paper researches with " gender idea " , from gender idea , gender role and gender image , to investigate the female culture of The People 's Republic of China initial stage .
The building of Chinese modern ceremony and propriety culture is an important part in the development of Chinese characteristic socialism morals , and which must follow to the direction of the advanced culture closely .
The Cultural Meaning of Chinese Modern Travels by Female Authors
Female 's Discourse Being in a Wrong Direction & An Cultural Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Female 's " Body Writing "
The Chinese females are blank spot continuously in the traditional history culture recording , the culture symbolism operation power completely by masculine control .
The dissertation will take an overview of the women image in the book Romance of Fate of Couple to Awaken Men on the basis of the traditional culture of China , women culture and national psychology .
Since the fourth World Women Convention proceeded in china in 1995 , female culture research has grown up very fast and it was paid attention a lot . The reason of it is catering to some social needs and trying to solve the problem about women .
In China , the emergence and development of feminist literature and its critique have their own characteristics , which are affected by multi - cultural backgrounds consisted of nationality , times and world .