
  • 网络Chinese Modern Economic History
  1. 2003年中国近代经济史研究述评

    A Review of the Research on the Modern Economic History in China in 2003

  2. 开滦煤矿是中国近代经济史上最具典型意义的一个煤矿企业。

    The Kailuan Coal Mine is the one of the most famous enterprises in Chinese modern history .

  3. 改革开放以来中国近代经济史研究的回眸与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Studies of Economic History in Modern China since the Reform and Opening-up

  4. 在河南近代经济史乃至中国近代经济史上,王锡彤占有一定的位置。

    He owned a certain position in the modern economic history of Henan province , even in that of China .

  5. 晋商作为明清时期著名的商帮之一,在中国近代经济史上起着不可或缺的重要作用。

    Shanxi businessmen played an important role in modern economic history as a famous branch of business society in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  6. 2003年的中国近代经济史研究呈现出四个特点:一,社会史和经济史的融合成为主流;

    This paper reviews the research on the modern economic history in China in 2003 and deems that the research manifests four characteristics : 1.The coalescence of social history and economic history has become the main trend ;

  7. 山西票号在中国近代经济史上占有重要地位,在其百余年的发展中,开创了联号制、人身顶股等制度,是东方所特有的;

    The Exchange bank was important in modern economic history of China . During its development of more than one hundred years , it created the system of general bank and branch bank , the system of personal labor as capital stock , which were unique in the Orient .

  8. 作为中国近代经济思想史重要组成部分的中国近代税制改革思想,系以西方财政学为理论依据,其产生和发展,与西方财政思想在中国传播的进展密切相关。

    Chinese neoteric tax system reform thought , as important part of Chinese neoteric economic thought history , is based on western public finance theories and its birth and development is closely related to the spread of western public finance in China .

  9. 马建忠的经济思想是反对闭关锁国,主张对外开放,反对外国经济侵略,发展中国资本主义经济的理论,在中国近代经济思想史上具有重要的地位。

    His economic thought , which was against closing policy , and protested the invasion of foreign capitalism , proposed opening to the world and fostering Chinese capitalism , was very important in the history of modern Chinese economic thought .

  10. 在这方面尽管与民族资产阶级有着本质的区别,但他们的发家过程也反映了中国资产阶级产生、发展的一个侧面,是中国近代经济发展史不可缺少的一个重要方面。

    The compradors development course reflected an aspect of Chinese bourgeoisie birth and growing , and also being an important , inseparable part of China modern economic history .