
  • 网络Metal forming process;metal forming technology
  1. 金属成形工艺相似非耦联系统的模拟变分原理和广义模拟变分原理

    Simulated variational principles and generalized simulated variational principles for similarly no-coupled system in metal forming technology

  2. 物理模拟虚功和余虚功原理及它们在金属成形工艺中的应用

    Virtual work and complementary virtual work principles for physical simulations and their applications in metal forming technology

  3. 液态模锻(简称液锻)是一种新的金属成形工艺。

    Liquid forging is a new metal - forming technology .

  4. 板料塑性成形是重要的金属成形工艺之一。

    Sheet metal forming is one of the most important industrial processes .

  5. 液态模锻是一种新的金属成形工艺。

    Liquid forging is a new metal-forming technology .

  6. 喷射成形作为一种新型快速凝固技术,是适于新型高温合金涡轮盘类坯锭制备的先进金属成形工艺。

    Spray forming is a novel rapid solidification technique which is suited to prepare superalloy turbine disk billets .

  7. 金属成形工艺的多样性要求韧性断裂准则应该具有宽阔的适用范围。

    Existing ductile fracture criterion is established for specific metal forming process , while the diversity of metal forming processes requires the wide application range of ductile fracture criterion .

  8. 应用加权余量法于相似非耦联方程,建立了金属成形工艺相似非耦联系统的模拟势能原理和模拟余能原理。

    Simulated potential energy principle and simulated complementary energy principle for similarly no-coupled system in metal forming technology are established by applying weighted residual method to the similarly no-coupled equation .

  9. 分析了金属成形工艺在制造业的重要性,介绍了半固态成形工艺的类型,阐述了镁合金注射成形装置的组成,给出了镁合金注射成形工艺的研究方向。

    The importance of the metal forming technology on manufacturing industry is analyzed . The type of the semi-solid forming technology is introduced . The composition of the magnesium alloy injection molding device is elaborated .

  10. 作为21世纪最具发展前景的金属成形工艺,半固态铸造成形技术以其高效、节能、近净形生产以及成形件高性能等诸多优点,得到了人们的广泛关注。

    As the most prospective casting process for metal in 21 century , the technology of semi-solid metal casting has been attracting more and more people 's attention for its advantages , such as high efficiency , energy saving , near net-shaped processing and quality products .

  11. 液态挤压具有压力下凝固和塑性变形双重作用,是在挤压铸造和固态热挤压的基础上建立起来的一种全新的金属成形工艺。

    The liquid extrusion process is a new forming technology which is developed on the basis of the squeeze casting and the hot extrusion . It not only retains the character of liquid metal crystallized under pressure , but also imparts to the alloy significant plastic deformation .

  12. 直接金属沉积成形工艺的RP软件研究

    Research on the RP Software of Direct Metal Deposition Forming Process

  13. 金属粉末成形工艺和模具设计评价系统

    An evaluating system for metal powder forming process and die design

  14. 研究了细晶无磁硬质合金金属注射成形工艺中碳含量的控制。

    CarbonControl in MIM Process of Nonmagnetic Fine cemented Carbide was studied .

  15. 直接金属沉积成形工艺研究

    Study on the Process of Direct Metal Deposition

  16. 结合激光金属沉积成形工艺和现有平行扫描路径生成方法分析了局部过熔覆或欠熔覆问题的根本成因。

    Analyzed the essential reason of over-cladding and under-cladding through combining with the existing parallel scanning mode for laser metal deposition shaping ( LMDS ) .

  17. 冷弯成型是板带深加工的重要领域。冷弯成型工艺也是一种节材、节能、高效的板金属成形新工艺。

    Cold roll forming is an important field of sheet metal processing and a new production process and technology with remarkable economic , efficient and society benefit .

  18. 对于金属成形加工工艺的小批、单件生产,模具的设计、制造和模具材料的选择是非常重要的。

    The design and manufacture of dies and the selection of die materials are very important in the production of discrete parts by use of metal forming processes .

  19. 水射流渐进成形技术是近些年来发展的一项新型金属板材成形工艺,是水射流技术与传统单点渐进成形相互融合而成的。

    Water jet incremental forming technology is a new type of sheet metal forming process , which has been developed from the combination of traditional single point incremental forming and water jetting in recent years .

  20. 通过介绍注射成型聚合物自增强的几种方法,结合金属注射成形工艺,从注射成形参数对喂料充模性能影响的角度,论证了这几种方法在金属注射成形中的应用可行性。

    Several methods of self-reinforce polymers by meaning of injection molding are introduced , and combined with technology of MIM , from the point that the effect of injection parameters on molding-filling performance of feed stock .

  21. 激光弯曲成形是一种新的金属板材成形工艺方法,一直以来都是国际上研究的热点,在航空航天、汽车、造船、仪器仪表、微电子等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Laser forming is a new sheet metal forming process and it has long been a hot research internationally . It has wide application prospects in the field of aerospace , automobile , shipbuilding , instruments , microelectronics and so on .

  22. 介绍了一个实用的金属粉末成形工艺和模具设计评价系统的结构和实现,解决了粉末冶金新产品设计阶段结束后尚需要评价实验的难题。

    Structure and realization of a practical evaluating system for metal power forming process and die design have been introduced with solution to difficulties of needing repetitious experiments to evaluate forming process and die design after the finish of design of new products of power metallurgy .

  23. 本文分别采用金属粉末注射成形工艺(MetalInjectionMolding,MIM)和熔铸原位合成法制备(TiB+TiC)/Ti基复合材料。

    In this paper , ( TiB + TiC ) / Ti matrix composites were obtained by metal powder injection molding ( Metal Injection Molding , MIM ) and cast in-situ synthesis .

  24. 采用金属粉末注射成形工艺制备出了0Cr17Mn11Mo3N高氮无镍奥氏体不锈钢(含氮0.78wt%),研究了固溶处理对力学性能和组织的影响。

    A kind of high nitrogen and nickel-free stainless steel ( 0Cr17Mn11Mo3N ) with a content of 0.78 % N was prepared by metal powder injection molding . The effect of solution treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties was discussed .

  25. 金属板材激光成形工艺参数及成形规律研究

    Technological Parameter and Forming Rule Study of Metal Sheet 's Laser Forming

  26. 金属复合线材成形工艺的研究开发概况

    Research and Development of Forming Technologies for Metallic Composite Wires

  27. 电子束直接金属成形技术的工艺研究

    Technology Research of Direct Metal Forming Based on Electron Beam

  28. 焊接冷轧带钢用的激光焊接机双金属成形的冷焊工艺与应用

    Laer welder for cold rolled strip Mechanism and Applications of Bimetallic Cold Welding Technology

  29. 用有限变形弹塑性有限元法对金属塑性成形工艺的分析和优化

    Analyses and Optimizations of Metal Forming Technology With Finite Deformation Elasto-plastic Finite Element Method

  30. 金属半固态成形工艺及其新分类方法

    Technology of Semi-Solid Forming and its New Classification