
  1. 迪拜国际金融中心法院司法常务官马克比尔(MarkBeer)坚称该法院可以应付这样的工作量,但他坦言,希望绝大多数纠纷在上升到那个阶段之前就能解决。

    Mark Beer , DIFC court registrar , insists the court can handle the workload but admits he hopes the vast majority of disputes will be resolved before reaching that stage .

  2. 他们的大部分收入来自伦敦金融城和法院。

    They made their money in the city and law courts .

  3. 金融机构退市与法院的三中止决定

    The Market Withdrawal of Financial Institutions and the " Three Termination " Measurements of Court

  4. 为加强金融债权保护,有必要成立金融法院。3、为了加强与改善金融监管,有必要成立国家金融稳定委员会。

    To strengthen financial claims protection , it is necessary to set up financial court . 3 .