
zhí xínɡ tōnɡ zhī shū
  • notice of execution;notice of enforcement
  1. 取消执行通知书等,使执行活动实现公平和高效率。

    Canceling notice of execution ; and so on , in order to realize justice and efficiency in execution .

  2. 法院将一份执行通知书送交给她。

    The court served her with an enforcement notice .

  3. 传达了协助执行通知书,要求我公司协助执行判决。

    The execution notice requires our company to assist the execution of the verdict .

  4. 查封、扣押、冻结裁定书和协助执行通知书送达时发生法律效力。

    The ruling on the sealing , distraining or freezing measure and the notice for assistance in enforcement shall become legally effective once it has been served .

  5. (一)有义务协助执行的人,对人民法院的协助执行通知书,无故推拖、拒绝或者妨碍执行的;

    Evading without reason , refusing to assist in or obstructing the execution of the notice of a people 's court for assistance in its execution by a person who has the duty to render assistance ;

  6. 在执行中,需要办理有关财产权证照转移手续的,人民法院可以向有关单位发出协助执行通知书,有关单位必须办理。

    Where the execution requires procedure for transfer of certificates of property rights , the people 's court may issue a notice requesting the units concerned to assist in the matter , the units concerned shall comply .