
zhí bǐ
  • write;do the actual writing
执笔 [zhí bǐ]
  • (1) [write]∶指写文章

  • (2) [do the actual writing]∶动笔拟订集体名义的文稿

  • 那篇论文是全小组集体讨论、由他执笔的

执笔[zhí bǐ]
  1. 上帝是如何使这些人执笔圣经的?

    How did God cause these men to write the Bible ?

  2. 但是他执笔的吗

    But did he write it himself ?

  3. 这篇文章是集体讨论,王同志执笔的。

    The article was discussed by us all , but Comrade Wang did the actual writing .

  4. 这封信是集体讨论,由老王执笔的。

    We all discussed the letter , but Lao Wang did the actual writing .

  5. 宣言由秘鲁总统AlanGarcia执笔。

    Peruvian President Alan Garcia pushed to have the language included in the declaration .

  6. 研究报告的执笔者之一韦斯利·C·沃伦(WesleyC.Warren)指出,家猫和它们生活在野外的祖先一样,有出色的狩猎技能。

    Wesley C. Warren , an author of the study , notes that domestic cats have excellent hunting skills , like their wild ancestors .

  7. 由特蕾莎·瑞贝克(TheresaRebeck)执笔编剧。

    The script is by Theresa Rebeck .

  8. 第二天,国际货币基金组织(IMF)首席经济学家参与执笔的一份文件便提议,各央行应将通胀目标从2%提高至4%。

    The next day , a paper co-authored by the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund proposed that central banks increase their inflation targets from 2 to 4 per cent .

  9. 这份由索菲亚•汉姆、迈克尔•荣格和克莱尔•王共同执笔的研究报告对领取1美元年薪的CEO们进行了研究,结果发现这些人中存在着巨大的差异。

    This one , authored by Sophia J.W. Hamm , Michael J. Jung , and Clare Wang , looked at the different CEOs taking $ 1 salaries and found vast disparities within the group .

  10. 这部电影改编自伊夫林·麦考恩的小说《女皇》,由《雨人》编剧RonBass执笔。

    The film is an adaptation of the novel " Empress " by Evelyn McCune , with a screenplay by Ron Bass ( " Rain Man " ) .

  11. 在出演艾米·舒默(AmySchumer)执笔的夏季喜剧《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)成功俘获众多影评人后,这位NBA巨星现在计划在大银幕和小荧屏上大展拳脚。

    After stealing critics ' hearts in the Amy Schumer summer comedy , Trainwreck , the NBA star is plotting more projects for big and small screens .

  12. 报告执笔人尼朗特o古普塔表示,哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和其他大学的研究促使盖茨基金会进一步分析了发展中国家的手机数据,以便相关发现能够从研究转入实施阶段。

    Nirant Gupta , an author of the report , says research from Harvard and other large universities prompted the Gates Foundation to further analyze cell phone data in developing countries so that the findings could move from research to implementation .

  13. 事实上,一些粉丝实在太不满意了,他们似乎想要说服HBO(美国家庭影院)更换主创戴维·贝尼奥夫和D·B·威斯,重聘编剧执笔,并重拍整个第八季。

    Some are so unhappy , in fact , it seems they want to convince HBO to remake the entire season 8 by replacing Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss with new writers at the helm .

  14. 他于1777年执笔的弗吉尼亚宗教自由法(virginiastatuteonreligioustoleration)草案,掷地有声地反对政府以任何方式干涉思想自由以及干涉个人选择何地与何种方式信教的自由。

    His 1777 draft of the Virginia Statute on religious toleration is plangent in its fierce refusal to allow government any role in interference with freedom to think or worship how and where one wishes .

  15. 据美国知名娱乐网站TheWrap报道,该片将由因《暮光之城》而名声大震的导演比尔·康顿(BillCondon)执导,斯蒂芬·切波斯基(StephenChbosky)执笔剧本。切波斯基是沃森参演的电影《壁花少年》(ThePerksofBeingaWallflower)的导演。

    Bill Condon , of Twilight saga fame , will direct from a script written by Stephen Chbosky , who directed Watson in The Perks of Being a Wallflower , notes The Wrap .

  16. 《亲爱的经济学家》专栏度过了4周年生日。这个栏目最初由艾伦•贝蒂(AlanBeattie)和克里斯•贾尔斯(ChrisGiles)执笔,他们现在分别是英国《金融时报》的贸易和经济编辑。

    The " Dear Economist " column , first penned by Alan Beattie and Chris Giles ( now FT trade and economics editors , respectively ), has celebrated its fourth anniversary .

  17. 我觉得这个想法很有趣,但是想到要请一位作家去充当《神奇动物》的设定作者纽特•斯凯曼德(NewtScamander)来执笔这个故事,这对我来说有些难以接受。

    I thought it was a fun idea , but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander , the supposed author of ' Fantastic Beasts , " realized by another writer was difficult .

  18. 费舍尔在最近执笔的一份CLSA报告中预测说,到2020年,中国消费者用于购买奢侈品的开支,将超过其他所有国家,在全球奢侈品销售总额中占到44%。

    A recent CLSA report , authored by Fischer , predicts that Chinese consumers will spend more on luxury goods than consumers in any other country by 2020 , accounting for 44 % of global luxury sales .

  19. 这本新书是《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧的剧本,该舞台剧由J.K.罗琳、剧作家杰克·索恩和导演约翰·蒂芙尼共同打磨,并由索恩执笔,在伦敦西区剧院上演。

    The book comes from the script for a West End play based on an original story by J.K. Rowling , Jack Thorne and John Tiffany and written by Thorne .

  20. 由世界反兴奋剂机构前主席迪克鸠德(DickPound)执笔的最新报告称,已经身败名裂的国际田联前主席拉明迪亚克(LamineDiack,见上图左)对该组织发生的“阴谋和腐败负有组织和纵容责任”。

    Written by Dick Pound , a former Wada president , the latest report said Lamine Diack , the disgraced former IAAF president , was " responsible for organising and enabling the conspiracy and corruption that took place " in the organisation .

  21. 这项研究报告的执笔者、英国文化教育协会研究主管扎伊纳布·马利克(ZainabMalik)说,让她印象深刻的是,英国教育机构的国际研究生来源主要是少数几个国家。

    Zainab Malik , the research director at the British Council , author of the study , said she was impressed by how British institutions would rely on just a few countries to fill their ranks of international graduate students .

  22. 执笔撰写使命宣言时当它是永恒不变的。

    Write your mission statement as if it will never change .

  23. 右利手语言学习者执笔方式及其个性特征分析

    Hold-pen Styles of Right Handed Linguistics Learners and Their Characteristics Analysis

  24. 70年代中旬他又开始执笔写作,同时参与执导电影作品。

    During the mid1970s he turned to writing and film directing .

  25. 因为茉莉生病,所以我代为执笔。

    As Molly was ill , I wrote on her behalf .

  26. 以下是林春明弟兄执笔的回想。

    Below is a reflection of the service by Brother Chunming Lin.

  27. 分析了第一作者的署名现状后提出第一作者必须是主要观点拥有者,除特殊情况外,还必须是主要执笔者。

    First author must be possessor of main view and main writer .

  28. 餐馆出售一本由大厨师执笔的烹饪书。

    The restaurant sells a cookery book , writen by the chef .

  29. 我执笔写时,心中千头万绪。

    Incidents crowd upon my mind as I write .

  30. 著作权人可以支付执笔人适当的报酬。

    The copyrighter may pay a proper amount of compensation to the writer .