
  • 网络Rosarium;specialized garden;Species-divided gardens
  1. 桂林植物园的专类园建设方法和特点

    The Method and Characteristics of Specialized Garden Construction in Guilin Botanical Garden

  2. 作为植物园的重要组成部分&植物专类园是这些功能的承担单元。

    As an important component of botanical garden , specialized garden is the unit which undertakes these functions .

  3. 植物专类园的类别和应用

    The Types and Application of Specified Plant Garden s

  4. 上海植物园牡丹专类园规划与管理

    The Landscape Planning and Management of Specialist Peony Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden

  5. 荫生植物专类园的规划设计及其探讨

    Planning design and discussion of shady plant garden

  6. 厦门植物园苏铁专类园的现状分析与改造方案

    Status Analysis and Reconstructing Program of Cycas ( Cycadales ) Garden in Xiamen Botanical Garden

  7. 全园有20个专类园,按照不同的植物类群营造植物景观。

    The garden had 20 specialized gardens , plant landscape construction according to each floristics .

  8. 土壤全钾含量大小顺序为:橡胶林柚子林沟谷雨林专类园。

    Total potassium content of the soil : rubber forest grapefruit forest rainforest theme garden .

  9. 杜鹃园是上海植物园重要的专类园之一。

    The Rhododendron-Camellia Garden is one of the most important themed gardens in Shanghai Botanical Garden .

  10. 植物专类园是一种强调专类植物展示和植物造景的园林形式,应用日趋广泛。

    Specified plant garden is a kind of garden which emphasizes specified plants exhibition and planting design .

  11. 再进一步对植物专类园的研究过程中,对不同时代的四座国内外代表性植物园做了详细分析。

    With the research getting deeper , four representative specialized gardens of different times are analyzed in detail .

  12. 不同专类园中乔木和灌木的物种多样性指数有不同程度的变化。

    There are varying degrees of change of arbor and shrub species diversity index in the theme park .

  13. 同时,对国内外近五十座植物园内植物专类园进行类型研究。

    Meanwhile , nearly 50 specialized gardens here and abroad are studied with researches on types and classification .

  14. 建立了杜鹃专类园和国际友谊杜鹃园。

    Special Rhododendron Garden and Rhododendron Garden of International Friendship have been established in the Lushan Botanical Garden .

  15. 玉兰专类园的建设与展示&以北京国际雕塑公园玉兰花苑为例

    Construction and Exhibition of Magnolia Species Garden & Take Magnolia Garden of Beijing International Sculpture Park as an Example

  16. 土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮含量大小顺序为:沟谷雨林橡胶林柚子林专类园。

    Soil organic matters , total nitrogen , alkaline nitrogen content : rainforest rubber forest grapefruit forest theme garden .

  17. 2003年,为了丰富园内景观,北京国际雕塑公园建设了玉兰专类园&“玉兰花苑”。

    In2003 , for making park scene more beautifully , Beijing International Sculpture Park built Magnolia species Garden called Magnolia Garden .

  18. 笔者在对相关文献进行归纳的基础上,结合实地调查分析,对杜鹃专类园的景观设计进行了研究。

    On the basis of relevant literature and fieldwork , this study was to analyze the landscape design of rhododendron gardens .

  19. 可丰富该类型的灌木层的物种,增添指示牌以提高专类园的科普教育功能和游步径的知识趣味性。

    Enriching the specie of shrub and adding signs are helpful to enhance science educational function of special class garden and fun of tour path .

  20. 在现代绿地中应用形式比古代更为丰富,主要有专类园、花台、花境、花带、孤植、丛植、群植等形式。

    Tree peonies were applied in modern gardens with more forms than ancient time , such as in display garden , flowerbed , perennial borders , etc.

  21. 庐山植物园创建于1934年,70年来已开辟植物专类园(区)14个,形成了良好的园林景观氛围。

    The Lushan Botanical Garden was founded in 1934 . Over the past 70 years , 14 specialized botanical areas have been established , forming a beautiful landscape setting .

  22. 最后对园区规划目标、植物园总体布局以及南北两区各功能区和专类园的具体改造与建设等建国项目进行了介绍。

    And then , it introduced the overall plan of the Garden , the construction and reconstruction of the specialized garden and the north and the south functional regions .

  23. 杜鹃专类园的建设能够丰富杜鹃植物的应用形式,也能够起到引种驯化、资源保护的作用。

    The construction of rhododendron specialized gardens can enrich the application forms of rhododendron plants , also can play the role of introduction and domestication , and resources protection .

  24. 长沙王陵公园建成湖南首个本土牡丹专类园,对促进湖南牡丹种质资源的保护及利用有积极意义。

    The first local peony garden was built in Changsha Royal Tombs Park , which plays a positive role in improving the protection of Hunan peony genetic resources . 5 .

  25. 同时,特别针对中国植物园中的植物专类园进行统计,分析植物园中植物专类园的现状。

    At the same time , the specified plant gardens in the botanical gardens in China are counted to analyze the present situation of the specified plant gardens in China .

  26. 详细介绍了国内外观光农业、主题公园和植物专类园的研究概况,以及二者存在的某种关系。

    Introduce the researches of the Sightseeing AgriCultural Park , the Theme Park and the Specified Plant Gardens at home and abroad , as well as the relation between the two .

  27. 结合上海应用技术学院生态学院植物园的建设,引进50多种观赏草,开辟观赏草专类园,同时观赏草与其他植物搭配,探索其做地被或花境的色彩搭配,以及合适的种植面积。

    Shanghai Institute of Applied Technology College Botanic Gardens , introduction more than 50 kinds of grass , has been done to explore its habitat or color with flowers , as well as acreage suitable .

  28. 提出了观赏蔬菜的应用价值,在都市农业园,可以制作观赏蔬菜专类园,制作特色蔬菜食品和蔬菜礼品等;

    As for the application of the ornamental vegetables , in the city agricultural park , they can be created to be special subject park of ornamental vegetables , manufactured the characteristic vegetable food and vegetable gift etc.

  29. 近年来,可持续发展、生物多样性保护以及对参观者游赏心理的关注对专类园的设计提出了更高的要求,论文中对植物专类园设计中的新手法做了分析。

    In recent years , sustainable development , biodiversity conservation , and focus on tourism psychology has raised higher requirements on specialized garden design , therefore this paper also presents study on new design methods of specialized gardens .

  30. 在调查研究过程中主要通过以下几种方法来进行:1、通过收集、整理基础文献资料,了解国内外相关领域的发展状况,分析总结植物专类园的特点、功能、发展趋势等理论问题。

    To collect basic documents and understand the development status of related fields in domestic and overseas , this paper analyzed and summarizes the feature , function , development trend of theoretical issues for special categorized plants garden . 2 .