
  1. 过去一年中,中国公司对澳大利亚的几项投资计划都遭到澳大利亚投资评审委员会(InvestmentReviewBoard)的拒绝,这个委员会专门监督海外收购计划。

    In the past year several proposed investments by Chinese companies in Australia have been rejected by the country 's Investment Review Board , which oversees foreign acquisitions . This has led to complaints from China that the system is unfair and not transparent .

  2. 党内专门监督机构较为独立完整地行使党内监督权阶段;

    Second , a special supervision organ exercised the power relatively independently ;

  3. 同时,要强化政府内部的专门监督。

    At the same time , the government should strengthen internal supervision .

  4. 本文主要研究的是我国当前公共财政监督的有关理论与实务问题,并且将主要着眼点放在财政部门自身及其专门监督机构的监督工作方面。

    This topic mainly researches the current theory and practice of financial supervision in China .

  5. 行政权的内部监督分为一般监督和专门监督。

    The internal supervision of executive power is divided into general supervision and special supervision .

  6. 专门监督机构的监督是监督机制制度化的最直接体现。

    The most direct embodiment of the systematization of supervisory mechanism is the supervision by special supervisory organs .

  7. 监事会作为慈善组织的专门监督机构,是慈善组织内部监督的主体。

    As a special organ in charitable organizations the supervisory board plays an important in the internal supervision .

  8. 而相关政府部门应建立专门监督机构,加强对佛教旅游资料的出版和翻译的指导。

    The government should set up special organization to supervise the publication and translation of Buddhism tourism texts .

  9. 当他们发现监护人失职时,应及时向专门监督人或者监护权力机关举报。

    When general supervisors find guardians ' dereliction of duty , they should report to special supervisor or organ .

  10. 成立专门监督足协执行规则情况的机构,保障规章制度的切实落实。

    We should establish institutions to monitor the implementation of the Football Association to ensure the implementation of the system . 3 .

  11. 检察机关作为国家的专门监督机关,承担着对减刑假释进行检察监督的职责。

    As the special supervisory department , the procuratorial organ takes on the office of procuratorial supervision for commutation and parole in our country .

  12. 监事会是我国公司内部监控机制中的专门监督机构,理应对经营层发挥有效的监督作用。

    As the special monitoring organ , the inspector board should monitor the management effectual . and the code of conduct and compliance within the company .

  13. 纪检监察作为国有企业党组织和行政组织的专门监督机构,对于国有企业防治腐败工作发挥着重要的作用。

    As the party organization of state-owned enterprise of discipline inspection and supervision of the administrative organization specialized institutions . For the state-owned enterprise prevention and control work corruption played an important role .

  14. 虽然监事会与独立董事是公司内部的专门监督机制,都负担有内部监督功能,都享有一定监督职权,但它们在性质、职权、运行方式等方面存在显著差异。

    Though supervisory board and independent directors both are supervisory system within a corporation and have the right to do internal supervision , they still have significant difference on the nature , responsibilities and operation method .

  15. 而监事会作为专门监督董事和经理经营管理活动和财务的常设部门,也是提高财务信息质量的一支不可忽视的重要力量。

    The board of supervisors as a special department supervise directors and managers to operate and manage and financial , but also an important force to improve the quality of financial information , From external , accounting firms as an independent power and an important element of external oversight .

  16. 专门委员会监督城市管理的许多方面。

    Specialized committees oversaw many aspects of the city 's administration .

  17. 论我国专门宪法监督机构建立的模式及路径

    The Establishment of a Specialized Constitutional Supervision System in China

  18. 我国现行的宪法监督制度缺乏独立的专门宪法监督组织机构,监督主体模糊不清,监督机构未能实际建立;

    Without a special independent supervising organization , the supervising main body is obscure .

  19. 而检察机关作为宪法规定的国家专门法律监督机关,其监督是最有力度也是最行之有效的。

    The state procuratorate is the most loudness and effective mode , because the rights is from Constitution Law .

  20. 股份有限公司的监督机构是公司内部专门行使监督权的机关,是公司内部治理结构的重要组成部分。

    The supervision institution , a vital component of corporate governance , is an internal system of stock companies specialized in supervising .

  21. 我国的检察机关作为专门的监督机关,对司法机关的所有刑事活动都需要履行其监督职责。

    Our supervision of prosecutors as special prosecutors , the criminal activities of all the judiciary needs to fulfill its oversight responsibilities .

  22. 法律的实施需要由专门的监督机关来实现,在我国检察监督制度是保障法律正确实施的重要手段。

    Law enforcement needs by special supervision organs , procuratorial supervision system in our country is an important means of security law correctly implement .

  23. 严密的监管与控制技术,在网络银行内外部建立专门的监督控制机构;

    To supervise it and to manipulate closely , and to establish a special institution to supervise the operation of the inner and outer banking system ;

  24. 南非以专门的监督管理委员会对小额信贷组织实施合规化监管,并由其对借款人采取突击性检查以随时了解借款的去向和用途。

    South Africa has the special supervision and management committee to implement regulatory supervision of microfinance organizations and takes assault check to borrowers to explicit the usage of loan .

  25. 中国检察权作为我国宪法赋予专门法律监督机关的一项重要职权,在国家权力体系中应有明晰、规范、合理、科学的定位和配置。

    As an important authority conferred on special legal supervision organs by Chinese Constitution , prosecutorial power of China should be clearly , rationally , scientifically oriented and distributed in Chinese power system .

  26. 当今世界有议会或权力机关监督、普通法院监督和专门机构监督三种宪法监督模式。

    At present , there are three kinds of constitutional supervision models in the world , namely , supervision from parliament or from power organ , supervision from common court and supervision from a special agency .

  27. 在立法体例上,宪法监督制度有最高国家权力机关或立法机关监督制、司法机关监督制和专门机关监督制三种模式。

    There are three kinds of constitution supervision models in the world , namely , supervision from parliament or from supreme organ of state power , supervision from common court and supervision from a special one .

  28. 尤其是在景区拥挤、乱收费、伙食差、秩序混乱等方面应有专门的监督机构,为提高景区美誉度打好基础。(3)完善基础设施。

    Especially in the congestion , charges , poor food , disorder and other aspects should be devoted to the supervision mechanism , to lay a good foundation for improving scenic reputation . ( 3 ) Perfect infrastructure .

  29. 从公司的角度看,一方面,独立董事制度是公司为了解决存在其内部的代理问题、削弱内部人控制,而在其内部设立的一种专门的监督模式;

    On the angle of company , for settle out the deputize problem in the company , weaken the inside man control , independent directors system is a special supervise model settled down in the company 's inside .

  30. 为保护股东和公司利益,各国立法无不在公司的治理结构中设置监督机制,其中大陆法系的多数国家以及我国均在公司治理结构中设有专门的监督机构&监事会。

    To protect shareholder and company , a kind of supervisor mechanism is devised in almost every country , in which China as well as the major countries of Continent Legal System establishes a special supervisory organization & supervisory board .