
  1. 博与专:我国高等职业教育课程设置的哲学思辨

    Extensity and Speciality : On the Curriculum Provision of the Tertiary Vocational Education from the Education Philosophy Perspective

  2. 钓鱼台宴会瓷器系专为钓鱼台国宾馆各类宴会而开发研制的无铅釉健康绿色骨瓷。

    The Diaoyutai banquet tableware is made of non-plumbic-glazed healthy bone porcelain , which is developed specially for Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  3. 钓鱼台国宴餐具系专为钓鱼台国宾馆建馆四十周年而研制的具有宫廷风格的成套高级细瓷餐具。

    Diaoyutai state banquest tableware is made of super fine porcelain of typical palace style for the40th anniversary of the foundation of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  4. 本人20世纪70年代末致力于专研一国一民族传承性生活文化的民俗学科,学科本身与民间文化遗产有着天然的重叠。

    I did my best to studying folk-custom which emphasizes the life culture of state-nation since the end of1970s.So the subject itself has a natural relation with folk culture heritage .

  5. 高职高专是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,但其师资队伍地位不高、学历偏低、动手能力不强、培训不足等问题已凸显出来。

    Higher vocational training is an important part of Chinese higher education . But at present , there are many problems of the teachers ' situation in higher vocational background , low practical ability , etc.

  6. 介绍专为我国重庆市跨座式单轨交通轨道梁设计研究的一种新型支座&承拉盆式橡胶支座,对其构造、特点、技术指标和研制中的试验进行说明。

    This paper introduces the tension pot rubber bearing , a new production adopted to support the rail beams of urban monorail transit in Chongqing , China and describes the construction , main characteristics , technical indices and experiments performed in the research .

  7. 高职高专教育是我国高等教育一个重要层次,高职高专教务管理工作需要规范。

    Higher occupational education is an important level for the senior education in our country , and teaching affairs management of higher occupational education needs to be regulated .

  8. 高职高专教育在我国发展迅速,其培养目标决定了师资队伍须具有双师素质。

    With speedy development of Higher Professional Education in China , the qualities of the teachers in this field are defined by having qualifications both of teachers and of engineers .

  9. 师专教育作为我国师范教育体系的一个层次,在相当一段时间内将独立存在。

    The education of teacher 's colleges will exist alone during a quite period of time as a level of the education system of teacher 's training in our country .

  10. 高职高专教育在我国高等教育大众化进程中发挥着重要的作用,它肩负着培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线人才的重任。

    Higher vocational and junior college education plays an important role in the process of popularization of higher education in China . They shoulder responsibilities of training personnel who will go to the front-line of production , construction , service and management .

  11. 高职高专学生是我国高等教育由精英化向大众化转变的主要体现者,他们的思想道德素质在很大程度上直接关系着国家与民族的前途和未来。

    The students of higher vocational and training college embody mostly that higher education is turned from elite to popularization in direction in our country now . The thought morals character of these students will directly relate to the prospect and future of nation to a large extent .