
  • 网络Expert Lectures;Specialist Seminar;Invited Speakers;Specialist Cathedra
  1. 干预方法:专家讲座、咨询、发放宣传材料等。

    The intervening method The export class , consultation , the propaganda materials .

  2. 结论3种教育方法均取得明显成效,但同伴教育最优,专家讲座其次,自我教育最后。

    Conclusion The three education methods have significant educational effects , and peer education is better than expert lecture and self-education .

  3. 结论在小学生中开展地震知识及逃生技巧的专家讲座与现场演习是积极有效的干预形式。

    Conclusion It is a positive and effective form to carried out lecture and exercises of escaping from earthquake among pupils .

  4. 在专家讲座会上当她不坐在经常坐的椅子上时,弗洛伊德就感到不安和心不在焉(时代文学增刊)

    When she did not occupy her accustomed chair at the seminar , Freud felt uneasy and distrait ( Times Literary Supplement )

  5. 不动产物权登记究竟是何性质,多次在一些重要的学术研讨会和专家讲座中被提出来探讨。

    The properties of Real estate registration have been proffered in some important academic seminars and discussed by experts seminar again and again .

  6. 教师艾滋病知识的主要来源是媒体,而学校来源的专家讲座与咨询(42.4%)和大学教育(18.6%)较少。

    Teachers ' knowledge was mainly from mass media , but less in expert lecture or consultation ( 42.4 % ) and college education .

  7. 总体上,同伴教育效果最优,专家讲座次之,自我教育位居第三;

    Generally , the effect of peer education was the best , the second was experts lecture , and the last one was self-education .

  8. 体验之行,如:英语歌曲、美文、剧本展演活动、教师课堂展示活动、聆听专家讲座等。

    In Journey of experience , you may enjoy English songs , excellent articles , scripts and the display of class activities and expert lectures .

  9. 认为比较合适的教育形式为专家讲座(67.1%)、发给学生资料(58.0%)和学校开设专门的课程(55.0%)等;

    The suitable teaching methods were expert lectures ( 67.1 % ), providing learning materials ( 58.0 % ) and specific course ( 55.0 % ) .

  10. 方法随机抽取某医学院校学生887人,分为专家讲座、同伴教育和自我教育3组,分别实施3种不同的教育方法。

    Methods Eight hundred and eighty-seven students were randomly selected and distributed to three groups : expert lecture group , peer education group and self-education group .

  11. 有96.05%的学生愿意学习艾滋病相关知识,42.11%的学生首选专家讲座形式。

    95.05 % of students were willing to learn the knowledge of AIDS , and 42.11 % of students had a preference for the form of expert lectures .

  12. 课程会有补充的阅读材料和客席专家讲座,强调著重于随机矩阵理论及其现状的应用范围。

    Lectures will be supplemented by reading materials and expert guest speakers , emphasizing the breadth of applications that rely on random matrix theory and the current state of the art .

  13. 干预1学校的主要干预活动包括开展生活技能培训、举办专家讲座、发放宣传材料、组织观看性教育影碟、举办辩论赛和话剧比赛、提供健康咨询等。

    The intervention activities in model 1 school contained providing life-planning skill training , delivering lectures , distributing educational booklets , playing video , holding debate and drama competitions and offering counseling .

  14. 结论三种教育方法均有教育效果,但同伴教育最优,专家讲座次之,第三是自我教育。

    Conclusions The three educational methods all had significant educational effects , but the effect of peer education was the best , experts lecture was the second and self-education was the last one .

  15. 总体上,同伴教育最优,专家讲座其次,自我教育最后;同伴教育与专家讲座、自我教育差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Generally , The effects of peer education was the best the second was expert lecture and the last one was self-education and statistical significance was found between them ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 在女生中,同伴教育明显优于专家讲座和自我教育(P<0.05);在男生中,3种教育方法差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Among girl students , peer education was obviously better than expert lecture and self-education ( P < 0.05 ) but among boy students the three education methods had no statistical significance ( P > ( 0.05 ) . )

  17. 食品安全监管部门应充分利用居民食品安全关注程度普遍较好的有利条件,充分做好食品安全宣传工作。3、调整宣传策略和投入,要切实加强媒体、网络和专家讲座、现场咨询宣传活动。

    Making full use of the favorable conditions that the residents generally concerned about food safety to carry out food safety drumbeating.3.Adjusting promotion investment and publicizing strategies by the media , network and expert lectures , on-site consultation campaign . 4 .

  18. 三种教育方法的教育效果在一年级学生中的排序一致,均是同伴教育、专家讲座、自我教育,同伴教育效果明显优于其余两种教育方法(P<0.001);

    The effects of the three educational methods had the same ranks among freshmen , and the effects of peer education was obviously better than that of the other two ( P < 0.001 ); This paper is a chair about expert system .

  19. 该计划包括德国专家公开讲座在欧洲的经验,对公共艺术项目。

    The program includes German experts'open lectures on European experience of public art projects . ART_city ( Goethe-Institut ) .

  20. 方法随机整群抽取医学低年级学生,集中研究对象,由专家进行专题讲座。

    Methods Junior grade students of medical school were chosen randomly by cluster sampling .

  21. 然而,很多专家认为光靠讲座进行性教育是远远不够的。

    However , many experts believe that the lectures are not enough .

  22. 聘请专家型教师定期讲座,帮助教师理解和运用新的教育教学理论,提高数学专业知识水平。

    Thirdly , employ expert teachers to deliver lectures regularly so as to help the primary teachers understand and apply new teaching theories and increase professional knowledge of math .

  23. 图书馆员要塑造良好的诚信形象,营造诚信氛围,开展诚信服务,聘请专家作诚信教育讲座,建立读者诚信档案等。

    This article probe into the lack of university student ' honesty from different respect : librarian should keep better imagery , construct honesty atmosphere , develop honesty serve , develop lectures of honesty education , build reader honesty files and so on .

  24. 邀请加方项目长期专家及来华考察专家进行学术讲座,交流学术成果。

    Invite Canadian long-term technical advisors of the sadp and short term consultants to give academic lectures and exchange academic results .