
  • 网络Professional Occupation;profession
  1. 对于专业性职业来说,实行职业资格认证制度十分必要。

    For professional occupations , professional certification is necessary .

  2. 在近5年内她曾带领几名母亲没有专业性职业的朋友去看她母亲在做些什么。

    For the last five years she has taken several friends whose mothers did not have professional careers to watch what hers did .

  3. 鉴于少数民族打入专业性职业和媒体在20世纪80年代已呈上升趋势,必须拿出客观证据才能说社会上有严重的种族歧视。

    the upward trend in the 1980s of ethnic minorities breaking into the professions and the media must be set objective evidence of a very racist society .

  4. 例如:教育、程、理学、业、会以及法律等均属于专业性的职业。

    For example , education , engineering , physical sciences , business specialties , accounting and law are specialty occupations .

  5. 他还说,而要想追求具有专业性的职业生涯,你不仅仅需要管理技能。

    But if you want to specialise in the environment , there are only a handful of electives you can choose , he adds . For a specialised career you need more than just management skills .

  6. 高职护理专业学生血源性职业危害及防护知识的调查

    Investigation on Knowledge of Blood-borne occupational hazards and protection among Vocational Nursing Students

  7. 高校美术教育专业应加强师范性职业培训

    Enhance Vocational Teacher-training in Higher Education of Fine Arts

  8. 如何增强专业报刊的可读性职业技术学院学报可读性研究

    How to increase the readability of professional journals Study on the Readability of Transaction for Vocational Technical College

  9. 医学院校数字图书馆的用户教育既有学科的专业性,又具职业的特殊性。

    User education in digital libraries of medical colleges and universities has both its disciplinary specialty and occupational particularity .

  10. 教师职业是一个专业性很强的职业,教师的职业伦理修养必须充分考虑其专业特征的要求。

    Teaching is a highly specialized profession , and teachers ' profession ethics should fully meet the specialized requirements .

  11. 专业化运动理论&人类社会中专业性职业发展历程的理论假设

    A Theory of the Movements of Professionalization : Academic hypothesis to interpret the growing process of professional occupations