
hūn yīn jiè shào suǒ
  • dating agency;matchmaking service;marriage broker;dating service ;marriage agent
  1. 有些婚姻介绍所,我打赌他们不会帮我们介绍对象。

    I bet they will not even find us a date , some matchmaking service .

  2. 她是通过婚姻介绍所结识她丈夫的。

    She met her husband through a dating agency .

  3. 婚姻介绍所提供血型匹配测试,还有一些公司在给雇员安排任务时会参考员工的血型。

    Matchmaking agencies provide blood-type compatibility tests , and some companies make decisions about assignments based on employees'blood types .

  4. 由于大龄未婚青年人数的增加,全国出现了许多婚姻介绍所

    With the number of single youth above the normal matrimonial age on the rise , match-making agencies have mushroomed across the country

  5. 研究表明,大小制度是匹配的,媒婆制本身符合封建制度,以婚姻介绍所为主要载体的现代婚姻中介制度也适合现代社会的制度背景。

    My research indicates that marriage intermediary system matches with the background of specific social systems , as Matchmaker System is efficient in feudalistic society while Modern Marriage Intermediary System is also efficient in our society .

  6. (指未婚女子)被认为年龄较大因而不太可能有人向她求婚由于大龄未婚青年人数的增加,全国出现了许多婚姻介绍所

    ( of an unmarried woman ) regarded as being too old to be likely to be asked to marry sb With the number of single youth above the normal matrimonial age on the rise , match-making agencies have mushroomed across the country