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  • 网络mating system
  1. 果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略

    Mating System and Strategy of Reproduction in Fruit Bats

  2. 本文对果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略进行了阐述。

    This paper summarizes studies of special mating system , and of their reproductive strategy .

  3. 田鼠婚配制度的神经内分泌基础

    Neural and molecular bases of mating systems in voles

  4. 田鼠属动物婚配制度的研究范式

    Study paradigms of mating systems in voles

  5. 配偶选择在婚配制度和性选择的研究中占据着举足轻重的作用,然而,到目前为止,对于配偶选择进化机制的许多重要问题仍然没有得到很好的解决。

    The mate choice plays an important role for research in mating system and sexual selection .

  6. 鸟类婚配制度的生态学分类

    Ecological Classification of Avian Mating System

  7. 然而,造成不同婚配制度和不同行为模式的神经内分泌机制目前还不是很清楚。

    But the neuroendocrine mechanisms of the different mating systems and different social behaviours is not clear .

  8. 作为繁殖行为的一种表现形式,婚配制度是通过长期进化而形成的,具有种属特异性及可遗传性。

    Mating systems , as the expression of breeding behaviors , resulted from evolution with species specific aspects and hereditability .

  9. 研究发现同种田鼠的不同种群能表现出不同的婚配制度的社会行为模式和神经内分泌特征。

    The different populations of the same speices of voles displayed different social behaviours and neuroendocrine characters of different mating systems .

  10. 雄激素引起的攻击行为还受年龄、生殖状态(泌乳时期)、婚配制度、父本扶养还是母本扶养等各种因素的影响;

    Aggressive behavior is related with age , reproduction state ( lactation period ), mating system , male parents environment or female environment .

  11. 目前关于啮齿类婚配制度相关的行为模式和神经内分泌的研究主要集中在催产素和加压素。

    The previous research on behaviour patterns and neuroendocrine mechanisms of the mating systems of rodents focused on oxytocin ( OT ) and vasopressin ( AVP ) .

  12. 从野外和室内观察情况分析,东方田鼠在繁殖盛期的婚配制度以一雄一雌的可能性很小。

    According to the observation both from fields and laboratory , we consider that there is less possibility of monogamy for the animals in main breeding season .

  13. 婚配制度可以产生重要的生态和进化影响,例如,婚配制度可以影响种群内以及种群间遗传变异的分布,可以维持种群的遗传多样性,领域权的演变,以及性选择强度等。

    Mating system can produce important ecological and evolution effect . For example , mating system can affect distribution of genetic variation of within-population and inter-population , and maintain variation in populations , and affect the evolution territoriality and the intensity of sexual selection .