
hūn yīn shēnɡ huó
  • marriage;wedlock;wedded life
  1. 许多人对婚姻生活抱有不切实际的憧憬。

    Many people have unreal expectations of what marriage will be like .

  2. 在战后几年的婚姻生活中,她千方百计想让父子团聚。

    She spent the post-war years of her marriage trying to reunite father and son

  3. 婚姻生活使他感觉受到束缚而且心烦。

    Married life made him feel hedged in and restless .

  4. 你喜欢你的婚姻生活吗?

    Are you enjoying married life ?

  5. 第一个孩子的出世使他们的婚姻生活开始了一个新阶段。

    The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life .

  6. 婚姻生活并不像他想象的那么浪漫美好。

    Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined .

  7. 她喜欢婚姻生活带给她的物质享受。

    She enjoys the material comforts married life has brought her

  8. 在那段婚姻生活中,我努力要做个完美的妻子。

    During the time I was married I tried to be the perfect wife

  9. 48年的婚姻生活并没消磨掉比尔和海伦之间的激情。

    Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen .

  10. 婚姻生活充满了兴奋和沮丧。

    Marriage life is full of excitement and frustration1 .

  11. 我妻子喜欢我们的婚姻生活。

    My wife likes our wedlock .

  12. 威尔佛姆说,成年人的婚姻生活充斥着太多责任,从孩子到花费到工作。

    Life as a married adult can come with a plethora7 of responsibilities , from kids to bills to work .

  13. 1.tribulationn.苦难,艰难婚姻生活的艰难困苦

    the trials and tribulations of married life

  14. 1969年,在BBC电视节目里,公爵和夫人谈起他们的婚姻生活。

    On BBC television in 1969 the Duke and Duchess spoke about their life together .

  15. 首先要问问为何两位沃顿教授关心起了CEO们的约会生活或婚姻生活。

    One good question is why two Wharton professors are venturing into the dating , or not dating , lives of CEOs .

  16. 约翰史密斯,你愿意娶MaryWhite为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?

    John Smith , do you take this woman , Mary White , to be your lawful wedded wife , to live together in the estate of matrimony !

  17. “放养老公”(free-rangehusband)指婚姻生活中享有相当自由的男人。

    Free-range husband is a man who enjoys a fair amount of freedom in married life .

  18. Q10:到现在为止,你怎么看待婚姻生活?

    Q10 : so after that , What do you think about marriage life ?

  19. 和劳拉的婚姻生活竟然是如此的幸福,不过一切就在女儿麦朵(Meadow)四岁时烟消云散。

    His marriage to Laura , which brought a happiness he hardly dared believe , breaks up when their daughter , Meadow , is four years old .

  20. 对于坦纳?雷纳特(TannerLenart)来说,撒点小谎让她五年的婚姻生活避免了很多争吵。

    For Tanner Lenart , a little lying has prevented a lot of arguing during her five-year marriage .

  21. 我们再来看看卡拉·霍穆尔卡(KarlaHomolka)一案。1991年,这个年轻的安大略女子嫁给了一名会计保罗·博纳多,他们的婚姻生活非常甜蜜。

    Consider the case of Karla Homolka , a young Ontario woman . In 1991 , she married an accountant , Paul Bernardo .

  22. 对于自己和丈夫JAY-Z的婚姻生活,碧昂丝是出了名的低调,但是她也承认,她喜欢通过其他一些途径让粉丝们关注她的生活。

    Beyonce is famously private about her relationship with husband Jay-Z , but she admitted she does enjoy letting her fans in on her life in other ways .

  23. 请接受我衷心的祝贺,祝你们婚姻生活幸福美满。

    Please accept my heartfelt greetings for a very happy marriage .

  24. 婚姻生活中你只有一次机会说

    in every marriage , you get one chance to say :

  25. 婚姻生活是否幸福,完全是个机会问题。

    Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance .

  26. 开诚布公的理财交流能使你的婚姻生活更顺利。

    Open communication about your finances will help your marriage be successful .

  27. 我俩的婚姻生活中,日常开销几乎都是克拉丽莎控制的。

    Clarissa has handled our day-to-day finances for nearly all our marriage .

  28. 结婚会增加幸福感,哪怕只是几年的婚姻生活。

    And getting married also boosts happiness if only for some years .

  29. 在婚姻生活中,真正的爱就是包容一切。

    In marriages , true love is acceptance of all that is .

  30. 这个为他们富有挑战的婚姻生活提供了准备。

    This prepares them for the challenges of married life .