
  • 网络After the Wedding;Efter Bryllupet
  1. 婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片。

    After the wedding we all posed for a photograph .

  2. 婚礼之后,度蜜月是一种风俗习惯。

    After the wedding it is the custom to have a honeymoon .

  3. Babymoon一词来源于我们熟知的honeymoon,即新婚夫妇在婚礼之后享受的“蜜月”。

    The term babymoon comes from the more traditional term honeymoon , which is a vacation taken by a newlywed couple after their wedding ceremony .

  4. 自从举办了婚礼之后,Grace的女性朋友们都说她是女性的榜样。

    Since the wedding , Grace has been told byher female friends that she 's an example to women .

  5. 在本周的早些时候,这位73岁退休灯光师,在被配合狗仔队拍照的负面新闻缠身以及错过女儿婚礼之后,接受PiersMorgan的独家采访,想要“澄清一切”。

    The retired lighting director , 73 , decided to speak exclusively to Piers Morgan earlier this week to ' set the recod straight ' after negative press surrounding staged paparazzi photos and missing the royal wedding .

  6. 婚礼之后,她身体一直不好。

    She 's been off her feed ever since her wedding .

  7. 婚礼之后我就没睡过一个好觉

    I haven 't had a restful night since our wedding .

  8. 婚礼之后她就再没回过那里

    She hasn 't been back there since her wedding .

  9. 婚礼之后艾薇儿就随大卫去了美国。

    Avril left for America with David the day after their wedding .

  10. 婚礼之后他们准备了一顿丰盛的自助餐。

    They laid on a wonderful buffet after the wedding .

  11. 婚礼之后,在船上举行了招待会。

    After the ceremony , there was a reception on the boat .

  12. 这个周末婚礼之后去一趟永安。

    Go to Young-gwang this weekend after the wedding .

  13. 你怎么知道的婚礼之后她就摊牌了

    How 'd you find out ? She admitted everything after the wedding .

  14. 新婚的妻子和丈夫在婚礼之后开着他们红色的车子。

    A new husband and wife leaving after the wedding in a red car .

  15. 婚礼之后,我觉得你一直故意躲着我。

    Ever since the wedding , I feel like you 've been pulling away from me .

  16. 婚礼之后,我才得知新娘的妈妈和弟弟都疯了。

    After the wedding I learned that my bride 's mother and younger brother were both mad .

  17. 在一段旋风般的热恋和一个童话式的婚礼之后,夫妻俩定居下来,过起了都市生活。

    After a whirlwind courtship and a fairytale wedding the couple had settled down to an urban lifestyle .

  18. 婚礼之后,新郎和新娘通常会烧纸钱和食物来祭祀祖先。

    After the ceremony , the bride and the groom usually burn money and food as offerings to the gods .

  19. 在那个美满的婚礼之后,我继续在止痛中心做着兼职的工作,并获得了我的硕士学位。

    After our beautiful wedding I continued working part time at the Pain Center and completed my work for a masters degree .

  20. 这对夫妇(上图)在去年12月婚礼之后有过一次马尔代夫的蜜月之旅。

    The couple ( above ) did get to have one honeymoon after their wedding last December when they visited the Maldives .

  21. 参加朋友的婚礼之后,我发现在餐桌上,中国与美国差异非常大。

    After attending my friend 's wedding banquet , I find that Chinese table culture differs from that of the United States .

  22. 在她们浪漫美好的婚礼之后仅3个月,基腾在接受捐精者的精子人工受精后怀孕了。

    It was only three months after their beautiful wedding day that Kitten fell pregnant , after undergoing IVF treatment using a sperm donor .

  23. 在为众多情侣策划婚礼之后,黄小仙开始分析自己之前的恋情到底问题出在哪里,而自己又该如何前行。

    After planning weddings for so many couples , Huang takes time to analyze what went wrong with her former relationship and how she should move on .

  24. 2013年,在参加了他们的儿子斯图尔特的婚礼之后,两人重归于好,今年1月3日,这对夫妇在亚伯丁举行了两人的第二次婚礼。

    The couple married for the second time in Aberdeen on January 3 , having reignited their relationship after attending their son Stewart 's wedding in 2013 .

  25. 婚礼之后,所有来宾围绕着井走三圈(象征着圣三位一体),并向井中扔苹果(象征着生育)。

    Following the wedding ceremony , those assembled walk three times around the well ( symbolizing the Holy Trinity , ) and throw apples into it ( symbolizing fertility ) .

  26. 在婚礼之后,阿奇不得不直接返回战场,阿加莎则在在托基市市政厅设立的红十字会医院里做护士。

    After their wedding , Archie had to go straight back to war and Agatha worked as a nurse for the Red Cross Hospital based in Torquay 's Town Hall .

  27. 婚礼之后,国王担心继母虐待孩子,更担心他们受到继母的伤害,於是就把他们送进森林中的一座孤零零的古城堡里居住。

    Fearing that the stepmother might not treat them well , even do them harm , he took them to a secluded castle which stood in the middle of a forest .

  28. 安吉尔·克莱尔也回到了家里。从婚礼之后,他花费了三周的时间试图让自己保持平静并继续学习,但他脑子里总不断地闪现出苔丝的影子,搅得他心神不安。

    Angel Clare also returned home.He had spent three weeks since his wedding trying to remain calm and continue his studies , but with the disturbing picture of Tess always in his mind .

  29. 新婚夫妇婚礼之后进入新房之前,除了邀请来祝新人早生贵子的孩子外,任何人不得碰婚床。

    Nobody is allowed to touch the bed until the couple enters the bridal chamber after the wedding ceremony , except Children who are invited onto the bed to bless the couple with fertility .

  30. 在这场跨文化的婚礼之后,英国王室在温莎大公园的浮若阁摩尔宫举办了晚宴,宴请了包括乔治·克鲁尼、奥普拉·温弗瑞和贝克汉姆夫妇等一众令人十分惊讶的宾客,而之前从未见过英国王室邀请过这类宾客。

    The dinner party at Frogmore House in Windsor Great Park came after a multi-cultural wedding featuring an astonishing host of guests including George Clooney , Oprah Winfrey and the Beckhams - the likes of which Britain 's royals have never seen before .