
  • 网络the foreign policy of marriage
  1. 女王伊丽莎白一世的婚姻外交

    The Foreign Policy of Queen Elizabeth ⅰ 's Marriage

  2. 它不仅充分发挥了婚姻外交的政治作用,而且对当时的国际局势也产生了深远的影响。

    This matrimony connection not only gave full play to its political effects , also it had a profound influence on the international situation at that time .

  3. 这本书不是针对亨利早期的叛乱,或西班牙婚姻的曲折外交,或国王个人账簿内容的新的深刻见解的书。

    This is not a book for new insights into the rebellions of Henry 's early years , or the tortuous diplomacy of the Spanish marriage , or the contents of the king 's private account-books .