
hūn shū
  • a marriage contract;marriage certificate
婚书 [hūn shū]
  • [marriage certificate] 旧式结婚的文约

婚书[hūn shū]
  1. 主演:乔治.克鲁尼凯瑟琳.泽塔-琼斯离婚官司律师MilesMassey拥有一切:喷气飞机、洗涤机、三个花园,还有一份婚书。

    Divorce attorney Miles Massey has everything , a jet , a jet washer , three gardeners ( or " those little lawn people " as he puts it ) , and even a marriage contract ( The Massey Prenup ) named after him .

  2. 因为普西芬妮婚书对季节的解释作用

    Because the explanatory role of Persephone 's marriage contract

  3. 马利亚和约瑟的婚书已在安排婚约时签署。

    The papers that make it legal were signed at the time of the arrangement of the marriage .

  4. 在婚书的规定上,婚书成为元代婚姻缔结的必要条件,在内容和形式上更为规范化,较之唐宋,更具有契约性。

    Compared with Tang and Song Dynasty , the standardize of the content was more formal , as the contract .

  5. 婚姻采取的是夫妻共有财产制,所以婚书很简单。

    As the marriage was taking place under the regime of community of property , the papers had been simple .

  6. “可是”腾格拉尔胆怯地说。“其它手续怎么办呢,婚书,文契?”

    " But ," asked danglars , in a timid tone ," how did you manage about the other formalities the contract the settlement ?"

  7. 在我们彼此深爱时结婚,并得到主权国家承认的婚书。

    Get married with me when we love each other deeply , and get a marriage registration which will be admitted by a nation .

  8. 三书是订婚信、礼单和新郎去他的新娘家迎娶那一天用的婚书。

    The three letters were the betrothal letter , the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home .

  9. 官媒之制的设立始于元代,媒人必须在婚书上签字和画押,并对婚姻的成立承担着一部分法律责任。

    System of the official matchmaker was set up firstly in Yuan Dynasty , the matchmaker must signed in the marriage certificate and undertook a part of legal liability to the marital establishment .