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  • 网络knife;hand knife;hand-knife;karate chop
  1. 如果您曾经坐在行驶中的汽车的乘客座位上,看着您的手刀穿过高速的电线杆,你就知道靠近自己的的东西的移动速度比距离远的东西更快。

    If you 've ever sat in the passenger 's seat of a moving car and watched your hand knife through telephone poles at high speed , you know that things close to you move faster than things that are farther away .

  2. 八卦滚手刀是八卦掌门传统长兵器套路之一。

    It is one kind of traditional long weapon routines in Eight Diagrams School .

  3. 接下来,前脚向前一步并且手刀下挥。

    Next , step forward with the forward foot and cut down with the hand .

  4. 梁惠王看庖丁解牛,手起刀落,动作利索,恰到好处,连声夸奖说:“你的技术真是太好了!”

    King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting1 an ox. Up went his hand , down went the knife , cutting it just right with dexterous2 movements . The King praised : " Your skill is excellent ! "

  5. 介绍凸轮机械手的刀库与FANUC0i系统配套的PMC控制实现方法,包括随机换刀算法,机械手的顺序控制及报警提示信息制作。

    The means of PMC control for cam manipulator machining center of FANUC 0i is present . It includes arithmetic of random exchange tools , ordinal control of cam manipulator and compile of alarm message .

  6. 只要记住强壮点的那只手拿刀就可以了。

    Just remember that the stronger one is for knife .

  7. 手用刀石,天然石料、凝集研磨料或陶瓷制

    Hone , for used in the hand , of natural stone , agglomerated abrasives or ceramics

  8. 手起刀落间,血花四溅,再强大的敌人也难以抵挡他的勇猛。

    Leash , the blood scattered flowers , and then hard to resist a powerful enemy of his bravery .

  9. 腾格拉尔一手拿刀,一手拿叉,准备切那只鸡。

    Danglars took the knife in one hand and the fork in the other , and was about to cut up the fowl .

  10. 吃西餐时,哪只手拿刀,哪只手拿叉?

    When you have western food , which hand do you use to hold the knife and which hand do you use to hold the fork ?

  11. 梁惠王看厄丁解牛,手起刀落,动作利索,恰到好处。

    King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting an ox. Up went his hand , down went the knife , cutting it just right with dexterous movements .

  12. 于是他从丽达胸膛的伤口里抽出那把短刀,一手把刀递给老人,一手撕开他的背心。

    And withdrawing the knife from the wound in Rita 's bosom , he held it out to the old man with one hand , while with the other he tore open his vest .

  13. 通过机械手换刀运动干涉检验和分析,得到机械手换刀运动并发时序图,提出了缩短机械手换刀运动时间的措施

    The figures of the sequence in time to the ATC was obtained by kinematics interference checking to the tool changing motion of the ATC , and a measure to shorten the tools exchanging time was put forward

  14. 依据试验目的,选择液压压力、气压压力、电机电流、立式机械手和刀盘振动为测试内容,并完成了相应测试硬件的选型和安装。

    According to the test purpose , selected the hydraulic pressure , air pressure , motor current , vertical robot and the cutter vibration as test content and completed the selection and installation of the appropriate hardware .

  15. 详细阐述德国STAMA公司的MC320/520立式加工中心系列无机械手换刀机构的动作原理、调整步骤以及有关换刀动作的参数设置方法,供在国内维修此类机床及设计加工中心时参考。

    It introduces in detail the motion principle , adjusting steps and related parameter setup of tool changing device without manipulator of machining center MC 320 / 520 manufactured by STAM Company of Germany . It is available for reference in repairing and designing of such and other machining centers .

  16. 绿衫军的进攻更注重五个人的整体联系,相对个人更注重为全队创造最舒服的投篮机会:找到漏洞,吸引更多防守人,找到控卫投手,然后手起刀落。

    Boston likes to run offense that gets all five guys involved and focuses less on the individual and more on creating the best shot for the team : Get to the hole , draw extra defenders , find open shooters , and don 't be afraid to let it fly .

  17. 一种新型的无机械手自动换刀装置

    A New Device of Automatic Tool Changing With Nothingness Machine Hand

  18. 另外,采用线性顺序表的数据结构实现机械手的换刀控制。

    Data structure with linear sequence table is used to realize ATC ( Automatic Tool Change );

  19. 你看到我手上的刀了?

    Now you read my file .

  20. 主要介绍了MCV2520小型立式加工中心无机械手自动换刀装置设计过程。

    The designing process on no-finger automatic tool changer of MCV2520 miniature vertical machining center was introduced .

  21. 随着越来越多的人愿意单手进餐,刀和叉正在日益滑向分道扬镳的结局。

    The knife and fork are increasingly going their separate ways as more and more diners opt for single-handed eating .

  22. 我们能看清楚了广尼德·兰喊,手拿着刀,作防卫的姿势。

    It 's light enough to see ! Ned Land exclaimed , knife in hand , staying on the defensive .

  23. 从阀体镗孔上拆卸保持器。现在可以用手或螺丝刀从阀体上拆卸止回阀模块。

    Remove the retainer from the body bore . The check valve modules can now be removed from the valve by hand or with a screwdriver .

  24. 刀库及机械手自动换刀装置是加工中心的关键功能部件,提高其可靠性对加工中心整体可靠性的提高有重要意义。

    The ATC is the key functional unit of the machining center and improving its reliability is important to improve the reliability of the entering machining center .

  25. 切样时,刀片运动轨迹应为螺旋向下,逐渐切入试样,不得直接用手将切刀压入试样。

    Cut samples , the blade should be spiral downward trajectory , gradually cut into the sample may not be directly pressed into the sample by hand cutter .

  26. 突然间,他用手上的刀挥向我的脖子,在我的脖子上留下了一道很深的伤口。

    He stared at me fiercely , with a knife in his hand . Suddenly , he thrust the knife at my neck , leaving a very deep cut .

  27. 本实用新型提供了一种带夹紧装置的单手操作螺丝刀,属于工具领域。

    The utility model provides a single-hand operating screw-driver bit with clamp device belonging to the tools field , and comprises a handle , a tool bar and a clamp device .

  28. 经测试,机械特性硬,手电钻配上此控制器后,能作电动攻丝、板手、螺丝刀等作业,实现一机多用。

    The control proves to be mechanically strong and rigid by testing , and a hand electric drill equipped with it can be used as motordriven tap , wrench , screwdriver , etc.

  29. 现如今,另一对形影不离的餐桌伴侣也可能面临劳燕分飞的命运。随着越来越多的人愿意单手进餐,刀和叉正在日益滑向分道扬镳的结局。

    Now it looks as if another great dining table coupling is coming to an end . The knife and fork are increasingly going their separate ways as more and more diners opt for single-handed eating .

  30. 有一次一个助手因为手被开信刀划破而离开桌子,马琳达因此错过了拉格费尔德(KarlOttoLagerfeld时尚设计师),随后他登上去澳大利亚17小时的班机。

    One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener and Miranda missed Lagerfeld just before he boarded a17-hour flight to Australia .