
  • 网络drawn animation
  1. 该公司采用了手绘动画的形式来讲述这个故事,完成后的广告效果看起来酷似二十世纪40年代的迪士尼卡通电影,比如受到几代人喜爱的《小鹿斑比》。

    The store has used hand drawn animation to tell the story with the result the commercial looks very much like a classic Disney film from the 1940s , such as Bambi , which has been watched by generations of children .

  2. ONART关于艺术如果手绘动画是一种消亡的艺术,我们也无能为力。

    If [ hand-drawn animation ] is a dying craft , we can 't do anything about it .

  3. 本文的研究对今后手绘动画的发展,具有一定的参考价值。

    This study has a certain reference value on the future development of hand-drawn animation .

  4. 论新媒体时代手绘动画的艺术特征及其实践

    On the Art Feature of Hand-painted Animation in the New Media Times and Its Practice

  5. 事实上,近来许多迪斯尼的手绘动画电影并未获得成功。

    In fact , most of Disney 's recent hand-drawn animated films have not been successful .

  6. 在手绘动画与计算机动画之间一个最大区别就是,实际上计算机动画是真正立体的(三个方向的)。

    One of the biggest differences between hand-drawn animation and computer animation is the fact that computer animation is truly three dimensional .

  7. 近年来,计算机辅助手绘动画技术逐渐成为图形图像、计算机动画、计算机视觉等相关领域的一个研究热点。

    In recent years , computer-assisted hand-drawn animation becomes a research focus in the fields of computer graphics , computer animation , computer vision and other related areas .

  8. 当我最初开始用电脑做动画的时候,我习惯了手绘动画,考虑一个关键帧在一个中间位置与另一个位置相同。

    When I first began animating with a computer , I was used to hand-drawn animation and thought a keyframe in one medium was the same as the other .

  9. 例如在手绘动画的创作中引入三维动画的创作技术、基于视频流生成动画和使用素材重用的方法创作手绘动画等。

    Such as the introduction of 3D animation production techniques , generated animation based on the video stream and use the reusing method of materials to produce animation . 2 .

  10. 凯特默和他的同事们很快意识到花拳绣腿的技术是无事无补的,和手绘动画一样,故事情节在电脑动画中也起着举足轻重的作用。

    Mr Catmull and his colleagues quickly realised that fancy technology was not enough , and that story-telling was just as vital to computer animation as to the hand-drawn sort .

  11. 由于动画是一门艺术与技术相结合的专业,并且因为在动画专业中二维手绘动画,与电脑三维动画制作以及网络动画所应用的专业技术方向的不同,存在动画教育专业设置的方向有所差异。

    Due to the animation is a combination of art and technology , and because in professional 2d animation specialty in hand , and computer animation three-dimensional animation and cartoon network applied technical direction of different specialties , the direction of education animation .

  12. 但这些方法都存在几个显著问题:1.虽然能够提高动画的创作效率,但是降低了角色的艺术表现力,很难突出手绘动画中常见的抽象夸张等关键特征。

    However , there are several significant problems in these methods : 1 . Some methods can improve the animation production efficiency , but they reduce the role of artistic expression , the animation is difficult to highlight the common key features of the abstract exaggerated .

  13. 《狮子王》是1994年票房收入最高的电影,也是有史以来票房最高的手绘动画电影,因此迪士尼高管决定翻拍这部电影只不过是时间问题:单单今年,迪士尼就已经推出了翻拍版的《小飞象》和《阿拉丁》。

    The Lion King was the highest grossing film of 1994 and the highest grossing hand-drawn animated film ever , so it was only a matter of time before Disney 's executives got their claws into it again : this year alone , the studio has already released remakes of Dumbo and Aladdin .

  14. 为了控制成本,在前期采用手绘原动画制作后,中期及后期主要采用电脑制作,涉及的专业软件有:AdobePhotoshop、Animo、AdobeAfterEffects等。

    To control costs , in the early stage , we could use hand-painted original animation production ; in the intermediate and late stages , we primarily use computer productions , which are the professional soft wares : Adobe Photoshop , Animo , Adobe After Effects and so on .

  15. 简单的手绘单线动画,隐喻的却是深刻的社会问题。

    The simple hand-drawing animation is a metaphor of the social problem .

  16. 在计算机动画领域,如何生成具有抽象、夸张和视点相关效果的手绘表情动画是一项富有挑战性的课题。

    How to generate abstract and exaggerated facial expressions with hand-drawn styles is a challenge in the field of computer animation .

  17. 通过对手绘二维动画、电脑三维动画和定格偶类动画的制作工艺流程的分析研究,结合在动画制作工艺各环节的实际应用,得出摄影技术确是活用于动画制作的大量工艺环节中。

    Based on 2d animation , computer hand-drawn animation frames and 3d animation production of coupling process analysis , unifies in the animation process each link of the actual application , photography technology is used in the animation of living in the process .

  18. 相比于基于三维模型的非真实感绘制方法,本文基于二维手绘图变形生成得到服装动画画面,保留了二维手绘动画的夸张和抽象的艺术特性,因而没有三维动画的机械呆板。

    Compared with non-photorealistic rendering methods based 3D model , our method based on the deformation of hand drawings , which retaining the exaggeration and artistry of 2D animation .