
  • 网络Graphics
  1. 本论文围绕细节层次(LevelOfDetail,简称LOD)模型这一有效的图形生成加速方法展开了有益的探索。

    This paper discusses and explores the Level of Detail Model , an efficient graphics rendering-accelerating method .

  2. 基于OpenGL分形图形生成方法实现

    Realization of Generating Method of Fractal Graphics Based on OpenGL

  3. 收割机智能CAD中的模糊推理与图形生成

    Fuzzy inference and graph produced in intellectual CAD of harvester

  4. 基于GIS的地层剖面图形生成技术

    Technique of generating stratigraphic section based on GIS

  5. 注射模CAD系统中标准件库的开发及图形生成

    Development of the Standard Parts Base and Drawing Designing with the Injection Mould CAD System

  6. COM技术在电力系统图形生成子系统中的应用

    Application of COM technology in the graph-producing subsystem of power system

  7. OpenGL在自然对象真实感图形生成中的应用

    Methods of building the realistic graphics of natural objects with fractal feature using OpenGL

  8. 首先,利用计算机图形生成技术采用合理的数据结构,建立三维数据模型为实现包装CAD系统材质功能提供对象物。

    First , the paper analyzes how to establish the 3D model for material function studying by using computer graphics technology and reasonable date-construction .

  9. FoxPro中图形生成方法

    The Method of Graph Making in FoxPro

  10. 探讨了OpenGL在以山脉地形为代表的自然对象真实感图形生成过程中的基本用法。

    Then , how OpenGL was applied to display and render the realistic graphics of the mountain terrain was investigated .

  11. 在实际计算中,应用MATLAB语言编制计算软件,在计算速度、精度以及图形生成上更加具有快捷、方便的特点。

    In the practical calculation , MATLAB language is used to program software , which can make calculation speed faster , calculation precision higher and protracting figure easier .

  12. 分析了VR环境下对3D图形生成的要求,研究了实时漫游的方法。

    Starting from the requirement of VR technique in the process of 3D drawing performance , this paper studies the method of real time touring .

  13. CAD系统中,解决图形生成的参量化问题推动我国CAD技术的应用与发展的主要问题之一。

    In computer aided design ( CAD ) systems , the parametization of graphic generation is one of the principal problems to improve the application and development of CAD technology in our country .

  14. 论述汽车车身CAD中有关数据输入的问题,实现了前挡风窗玻璃的数据自动输入及图形生成等功能,从而为该CAD系统解决了一道难题。

    Problems about input of vehicle body CAD data are expounded and the front windscreen data automatic input and the graphic formation are realized , resolving a major problem for the CAD system .

  15. 基于Bresenham的仪用液晶屏图形生成算法应用研究

    Graphics Generation Algorithm Application in Instrumental LCD Drawing Based on Bresenham

  16. 三维Mandelbrot图形生成算法

    An Algorithm for 3D Mandelbrot Set Drawing Generation

  17. 基于NAPA的螺旋桨几何造型和图形生成方法研究

    Study on the method of creating geometrical model and graphics of propeller base on NAPA

  18. 本文利用VISUALBASIC6.0开发了一个Fractal分形图形生成系统,详细介绍了在此环境下生成图形的两类API函数在系统中的应用。

    Designing and developing " Fractal Modeling System " We developed an graphics generating system by using Visual Basic 6.0 . The two kinds of API functions is playing important roles for generating graphics in this system .

  19. 有关Graphvizdot语言以及Graphviz令人惊叹的图形生成功能的更多信息,请参见参考资料。

    For more detail about the Graphviz dot language and the amazing graph-generation capabilities of Graphviz , see Resources .

  20. 介绍了高等数学空间关系多媒体CAI系统的设计思想,重点讨论了高等数学常见空间关系的表现形式、多媒体表现艺术及图形生成技巧。

    Introduces the designed idea of the advanced mathematics multimedia CAI system , briefly discusses the manifestation and multimedia show art of space relation , and the graph producing methods are also discussed .

  21. 通过对TAP控制模块、测试图形生成模块、完整性测试模块以及互连测试等等模块的设计完成了整个软件的设计。

    Through the TAP control module , test pattern generation module , integrity test module , as well as interoperability testing , and so the module design is complete the entire software design .

  22. 介绍了商业CAD系统中的造型技术,商场布置技术和效果图生成技术,其中着重阐述了参数造型技术,商场布置技术,真实感图形生成算法和图象叠加算法。

    The techniques of moulding , market arrangement and realistic graphics generating in commercial CAD system are presented , with the emphasis on parametric moulding , arrangement of market , algorithm of realistic graphics generating and algorithm of image superposition .

  23. 交互式力学图形生成系统(MCAD)

    Mutual Drawing System of Mechanical Graphics ( MCAD );

  24. 要想使用shell脚本自动执行图形生成,我建议使用'here'文档方法,可以通过这个过程使用gnuplot动态地生成图形。

    To automate the process of graph generation using shell scripts , I recommend using the'here'document method , as this process can be used to generate graphs using gnuplot on the fly .

  25. 虚拟现实的真实感限时图形生成中加速技术十分关键,细节层次模型(LOD)在实时绘制复杂场景中得到了广泛应用。

    3D acceleration of real time graphics rendering is very important in virtual reality applications . Levels of Detail ( LOD ) are used in most complex rendering system .

  26. 从功能上分析了专用监控软件图形生成系统的内容,并从程序框架、类的组织、消息传递等方面介绍了在Windows环境下,开发图形生成系统的过程。

    The content of graphical configuration system for special Monitoring & Control software was analysed from the function point of view , and the procedure of developing the system from program framework , organization of class and message communication under Windows environment was presented .

  27. 为了减少最终绘制的场景复杂度,作为实时图形生成技术重要的一部分,本文主要研究用于实时图形生成的多细节层次模型(LevelsOfDetail,简称LOD)的动态生成与绘制技术。

    Levels of detail ( LOD ) representations are an important tool for real-time rendering of such environments . This thesis contributes to the dynamic generation and rendering of models at multiple level of detail ( LOD ) used in real-time graphics rendering .

  28. 在阐述其基本概念、特点和实现方法的基础上,讨论了COM技术在电力系统图形生成子系统中的应用,使图形子系统的开发在最大程度上实现了软件复用。

    This paper discusses the application of COM technology in the graph-producing subsystem of power system through introducing the concepts and characteristics of COM and its realization . This technology realizes the reuse of graph-producing subsystem to the most extent .

  29. 基于极坐标下Logistic映射的图形生成原理,借助计算机图形方法进行图案设计,并通过纹织实验,对由此形成的纹织设计方法进行了初步的探讨,从而获得了几点有益的启示。

    Based on the forming principle of Logistic mapping in polar coordinates and its computer graphical methods , a primary investigation of fabric pattern design method of this kind was undertaken in combination with jacquard weaving testing , and some meaningful conclusions were obtained also .

  30. Windows系统采用轮廓字形技术来生成字库,OpenGL是强大的图形生成工具。本文作者系统地探讨了如何使用OpenGL处理Windows字体的方法,用简单的方式实现了汉字生成,并以实例予以说明

    Windows system uses outline font to generate its character font OpenGL is a powerful too for graphic rendering The methods of handling windows font are discussed and an easier way to generate Chinese font is presented in this paper and examples are given for illustration