
  • 网络Image Averaging
  1. 图像平均可以有效地提高故障诊断的正确率。

    The method of Image averaging can improve the correct recognition rate of fault diagnosis effectively .

  2. 对图像平均攻击,采用了选择模板进行二元加噪。

    For defending image averaging attack , the select templet is employed for dual noise . 5 .

  3. 结果显示,各波段图像平均梯度提高了67.1%,细节信号能量提高了65.2%,结果证明了MTF检测方法的有效性。

    Experimental results indicate that the average gradient has been improved by67.1 % and the detail-signal energy improved by65.2 % , which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method .

  4. 基于图像平均、小波变换及中值滤波的降噪法。

    The image de-noising based on image average , wavelet transform and medium filter .

  5. 通过多图像平均,图像细化,取样分析,快速方便地测量计算了电子的荷质比。

    The charge-mass ratio can be measured expediently by multiple image averaging , fringe thinning and sample analyzing .

  6. 图像平均灰度值作为测定指标,两样本t检验进行统计学分析。

    The determination index was the average gray scale . The statistical analysis was done by two-sample t-test .

  7. 包括邻域平均法、空域低通滤波法、多幅图像平均法、中值滤波法、自适应中值滤波法以及维纳滤波法。

    And include neighborhood average method , airspace low-pass filtering method , the average of multiple images , median filtering method , the adaptive median filtering and wiener filtering method .

  8. 针对以上两点不足进行了改进:提出了已编码帧图像平均复杂度的计算方法,通过比较当前帧图像复杂度与所有已编码帧图像平均复杂度,合理调整当前帧目标位数据量;

    First , average encoded pictures complexity computation algorithm is presented , and target bit number can be reasonably adjusted by comparing the complexity of current frame with the average .

  9. 同时,算法检测单帧图像平均耗时为26毫秒,具有较高的实时性,能够满足智能车辆实时运行的要求。

    In addition , the algorithm is rapid . The detecting time of each frame is 26 millisecond , can meet the requirements of real-time operation of the intelligent vehicle .

  10. 首先利用强度像3×3邻域均值和图像平均值消除失落信息影响,然后采用多级中值滤波消除逸出值。

    First , dropout is removed according to intensity image mean in 3 × 3 window and whole image mean . Then , outlier is removed by using multilevel median filter .

  11. 方法采用数码相机采集图象,采用空间域方法、邻域平均法、图像平均法和图像平衡法等进行图像预处理;

    Methods Digital camera was used for image capture ; Space field method , neighboring field average method , midst value filter method , and image average method were used for image pre process ;

  12. 采用胖零设置和多幅图像平均法降低噪音影响,根据各组件自身的传递函数修正其对测试精度的影响。

    The noise effect is reduced by use of fat zero setting and multi-frame average method . The influence of each test unit on test precision is corrected based on the modification of their own transfer functions .

  13. 实验中图像平均灰度值在110~230情况下,提取特征信息的准确率达到了95%。

    In these experiments , thresholds could be automatically gotten in terms of the adaptive threshold model , when the average gray values of images were between 110 and 230 , the feature extracting accuracy has been 95 % .

  14. 示例:对图像的平均RGB值执行函数索引

    Example : Functional index on the average RGB values of an image

  15. 实验结果表明,在图像中平均可察觉色差ΔE为2.5,对应的最大色差ΔE为8.8。

    The experiment results show that the average perceptible color difference in complex images is about 2.5 Δ E , corresponding maximum color difference is 8.8 Δ E , which somewhat depend on the image contents .

  16. 消息的平均大小相对较小,但是有许多大的图像(平均大小接近10M)通过环境。

    The average message size was relatively small , but a number of large presentations ( with an average size close to10 MB ) flowed through the environment .

  17. 在时间效率方面,采集并处理768×288×24bit大小的图像,平均耗时为500ms。

    It was 500ms to capture and process a field of an image , which was 768 × 288 × 24bit pixels .

  18. 基于频率的显著度图检测算法使用图像的平均值作为图像的冗余信息。

    The frequency-tuned method using the mean value of the image as the redundant information .

  19. 基于图像灰度平均值法的多组大鼠糖刺激比较研究

    Comparison of glucose injection response in multi-group big rats based on image grey-scale average method

  20. 并且考虑光线的变化,对每帧图像的平均灰度值的过滤来减少光线影响带来的误判。

    In addition the average gray of each frame is considered to avoid the wrong recognition .

  21. 然后对图像进行平均,得到主轴承在不同间隙状态下的标准时频分布图,建立了柴油机主轴承间隙图像匹配的故障诊断模型,匹配时所用的参数为两幅图像之间的欧氏距离。

    Through image-average , we can get the standard time-frequency distribution images of different main bearing gap .

  22. 该方法可以有效地去除噪声,增强图像的平均梯度,改善图像的视觉效果。

    This method can effectively remove the noise , enhance image mean grads and improve image visual effect .

  23. 将5幅图像的平均粗糙度、均方根粗糙度、表面颗粒平均高度的平均值作为该细胞的参数。

    The average of some parameters such as mean height and roughness of five images in each cell represented as the whole cell .

  24. 为了能够将可视化对象的级别聚集到最高级别,即数字级别,本文提出应用信息熵作为可视化特征的表示,即用图像的平均自信息量表示图像。

    For aggregating the level of visual object to the number level , we propose one method : entropy as a visual feature of images .

  25. 对于含有高斯噪声和盐椒噪声的图像,平均分割正确率高达99.71%,是一种去噪效果较好的图像分割算法。

    When dealing with different image noise , its average segmentation rate is as high as99.71 % , which shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm .

  26. 并且进一步提出利用图像的平均相关性来评价本文实现的两种感兴趣区域提取算法性能一几何中心法和质心法。

    Average correlation of hand vein image was proposed to evaluate the performance of two different methods of region of interest extraction-centroid strategy and geometric strategy . 2 .

  27. 在一定的浓度范围内,显色后的溶液磷浓度与图像的平均蓝色度有较好的线性关系。

    In certain range of concentrations , there existed a good linear correlation between the average blueness of image and the concentration of phosphorus in solution after chromogenesis .

  28. 由于人脸识别率受照明条件的影响较大,而各个人脸图像的平均灰度值各不相同,所以必须对人脸图像进行灰度归一化。

    Since illumination condition effects recognition ratio for human face greatly , while average gray value of every face image is different , we must standardize gray value of face images .

  29. 结果用相控阵线圈采集的腹部磁共振图像的平均信噪比明显高于体线圈所获图像(P<0.05)。

    Results The mean signal to noise ratio of images obtained with phased array coils was significantly higher than that of images obtained with body coil ( P < 0.05 ) .

  30. 阐述了所提出的方法:依据纵向灰度最大差之和与图像灰度平均值间的模糊关系确定梯度阈值;

    First , the threshold was calculated in natura illumination according to fuzzy logic between sum of the largest differences of gray level values of column pixels and mean gray values of the image .