
  • 网络eutectic cementite
  1. Ti和C可以直接在液相中反应形成TiC,并可作为渗碳体的结晶核心,使一次渗碳体和共晶渗碳体发生粒化和细化,从而避免连续网状碳化物的形成。

    The alloying elements Ti and C can form TiC directly in the melt which acts as nucleus of cementite and causes both primary and eutectic cementite granulated and refined . So the cementite network in this steel can be eliminated .

  2. 用数理统计分析了2500个视场的测量结果表明,共晶渗碳体的分布形态在上述两种试样中存在明显差异。

    According to mathematical statistics treatment of data measured from total 2500 fields , it is shown that there are apparent differences between the morphology of eutectic cementite in the two kinds of aforementioned samples .

  3. 锤头浇注后,于850℃开箱落砂油淬+260℃×2h回火,得到共晶渗碳体、少量片状石墨、马氏体及残余奥氏体的混合组织,硬度达HRC58~61,韧性满足使用要求。

    The temperature of shakeout , and tempered at 260 ℃ for two hours . The eutectic cementite , a few of flake graphite , martensite and retained austenite were obtained . The hammer hardness reached the level of HRC58 ~ 61 and its toughness meets also the operating requirement .

  4. 硅对可锻铸铁共晶渗碳体显微结构的影响

    Effect of Si on the Microstructure of Eutectic Cementite in As cast Malleable Cast Iron

  5. 共晶渗碳体形态与可锻铸铁低温石墨化的关系及分析

    Study on Relation between the Morphology of Eutectic Cementite and Lower Temperature Graphitization of Malleable Cast Iron

  6. 结果表明:硅在共晶渗碳体和珠光体界面处富集,少量硅进入共晶渗碳体中;

    The results showed : in the as-cast white iron there was the enrichment of silicon between the eutectic cementite and pearlite .