
  • 网络common ideal
  1. 追求卓越是企业的共同理想。

    Doing for the best is the common ideal in the plant .

  2. 构建和谐社会,是当代全人类的共同理想。

    Building the harmonious society is the whole human people 's common ideal .

  3. 瑞士IDC公司由瑞士一群对酒店业拥有共同理想和热情的行业专家组建。

    IDC was created in Switzerland by industry professionals who share a common passion for the hospitality industry .

  4. 我国政治信仰和共同理想面临的挑战与回应

    Challenge and Response in Political Belief and Common Ideal

  5. 在社会形成共同理想和精神支柱。

    Foster common ideals and aspirations throughout society .

  6. 和谐社会一直是中国人民的共同理想和殷切期盼。

    Harmonious society is always the common ideal and deep hope of Chinese people .

  7. 利益分化条件下当代中国社会共同理想的建构研究

    On Construction of Common Ideal of Contemporary Chinese Society on Condition of Interest Differentiation

  8. 中国特色社会主义共同理想的传统文化渊源

    Origins of Traditional Cultural Basis for the Common Ideal of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  9. 四是信仰教育中要把握好最高理想、共同理想和个人理想的关系;

    Well dealing with the relations among the highest ideal , common ideal and individual ideal ;

  10. 各盟国都能各尽所能,以贡献于我们之共同理想。

    Each of the Allies had , according to its means , contributed to the common cause .

  11. 想到人们为一个共同理想而献身,不得不让人为之动容

    It is an emotional thing to think about people sacrificing , giving their lives for an ideal .

  12. 最后,根据这四个方面原因来探索建设共同理想的具体路径。

    Finally , according to the above-mentioned reasons , this article explores the specific approaches to build common ideal .

  13. 本文主要由三部分构成:第一部分:共同理想概述。

    This paper mainly consists of three parts : Part I : the overview of the common ideal and belief .

  14. 构建和谐社会是人们的共同理想,更是我国社会发展的内在需求。

    To construct a harmonious society is a common ideal of people as well as an inherent demand of social development .

  15. 北京工作室(位于东直门区域)因项目需求,现诚聘有共同理想和创造欲望的人才加入我们的团队。

    O.P.E.N.Architecture Beijing ( located in Dongzhimen area ) is currently seeking motivated and creative architects and designers to join our team .

  16. 和谐的社会是人类文明的象征,也是人们长期以来的共同理想和追求。

    The harmonious society , as the symbol of civilization , has been the common ideal and pursuit of people for long .

  17. 通向和平的道路虽然崎岖艰难,但和平是人类的共同理想,是时代的潮流所向。

    Although the path towards peace is tortuous and difficult , peace is the common ideal of mankind and the trend of the times .

  18. 社会和谐是人类孜孜以求的共同理想,也是发展中国特色社会主义的本质要求。

    Social harmony is the unwearied common ideal of mankind ; it is also the essential requirement of developing the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics .

  19. 因此,在社会主义初级阶段,中国特色社会主义共同理想是社会主义核心价值观的当代形态。

    So at the primary stage of socialism , the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the contemporary form of socialist core values .

  20. 大学生的理想教育要落实到社会主义共同理想的教育上,共同理想与社会主义核心价值体系的其他方面紧密联系、相辅相成。

    The ideal education for college students should put into effect to common socialistic ideal which is closely related to the core socialistic value system .

  21. 而伴随着利益诉求的多样化,我们所追求的共同理想和价值取向似有动摇之势。

    With the diversification of the demands of interest , what used to be our common ideal and value orientation tend to have been moved .

  22. 对于一个已经渐渐抛弃共同理想的社会,政纯办呈现了一种基于共享经验的新社会主义。

    For a society that has moved far away from communal ideals , PSFO imagines a new Socialism based on the expansive possibilites of shared experiences .

  23. 在当代中国,共同理想是社会主义核心价值体系的主题,同时也是主导的社会理想。

    In contemporary China , the common ideal is the theme of the core value system of the socialism an also the dominant of social ideal .

  24. 其实质就是全民树立共同理想的实践活动,是一个群众性的实践活动,是理论联系实际的过程。

    Its essence is a common ideal whole set of practices , is a mass of practice activities , is the process of theory and practice .

  25. 而张瑞敏自己“在未来的作用主要是对整合设置,连接各方面的资源共同理想。”

    And Zhang Ruimin himself " the role in the future mainly is set on the integration , connecting the resources from all aspects together ideally . "

  26. 民族团结的实质,就是各民族为实现共同理想在共同利益基础上相互认同并聚合起来的过程和状态,相对平衡的利益关系是基础。

    The essence of ethnic unity is the process and state in which various ethnic groups achieve mutual identity and aggregation for common ideals based on common interests .

  27. 建构一个新型的公务员学习型组织,建立一个具有共同理想、团队缟呷的开放性的合作忱学习团体;

    Secondly , set up a new type of learning organization with common ideals as well as the spirit of an open-minded and co-operative team among the civil servants .

  28. 法治已成为世界各国人民的共同理想,中国在进行法治建设时,必须重视自己的传统文化和国情,在此基础上,建设具有中国特色的法。

    When we constitute rule of law with Chinese character we must pay much attention to Chinese traditional civilization and Chinese circumstances and do some things on this basis .

  29. 在大学生群体中艺术类大学生是重要组成部分,艺术类大学生对共同理想的认可情况关系到其今后的健康成长。

    In the college , art college students are an important part . College students ' reorganization to common ideal is in relation to their healthy growth of the future .

  30. 和谐社会是人类社会的共同理想,社会主义和谐社会是社会主义初级阶段理论的新突破和新实践。

    A harmonious society is the common ideal of the human beings . The socialist harmonious society is a new breakthrough and practice of the theory about preliminary stage of socialism .