
gòng xī zhuǎn biàn
  • eutectoid transformation;eutectoid reaction
共析转变[gòng xī zhuǎn biàn]
  1. 五种合金的共析转变温度基本相同,均在285℃左右,ZA50的共析转变热最小。

    The eutectoid transformation temperature of five alloys is identical , being about 285C .

  2. 实验结果表明,氮使Fe-C-Si和Fe-C-Si-Mn灰铸铁平衡和非平衡相变温度降低,使相变过冷度增大,并使共晶转变和共析转变的温度区间增大。

    The results demonstrated that as the nitrogen content increased , the equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transformation temperature decreased , the phase transformation undercooling increased , and the temperature ranges of eutectic and eutectoid transformation increased .

  3. 利用Austin-Rickett指数法,研究连续冷却条件下奥氏体晶粒尺寸、冷却速度、C含量对先共析转变过程的影响,解释连续冷却条件下铁素体快速、大量析出的原因。

    By using the ARE method , the effects of the austenite grain size , cooling rate and carbon content on the pro-eutectoid transition were researched respectively . The phenomenon of the ferrite liberating quickly and massively was interpreted .

  4. 锑对灰铸铁共析转变的影响

    Influence of antimony on eutectoid phase transformation of grey cast iron

  5. 钢中珠光体转变属典型的扩散型共析转变。

    Pearlitic transformation in steel is a typical diffusion eutectoid transition .

  6. 球墨铸铁共析转变组织的动态模拟

    Trends Dynamic Simulation of the Eutectoid Transformation of Nodular Cast lron

  7. Ti-H合金共析转变产物的形态和结构

    Morphology and high resolution image of eutectoid transformation products of ti-h alloys

  8. 基于离异共析转变的共析钢组织细化

    Microstructure refinement of eutectoid steel based on divorced eutectoid transformation

  9. Zn-22%Al合金共析转变的动态力学性质研究

    The dynamically mechanical properties of Zn 22 % al alloys in eutectoid decomposition

  10. 这些弥散分布的碳化物颗粒在共析转变前的等温过程中长大,其尺寸由等温时间和等温温度控制。

    These fine carbide particles grew during isothermal before the eutectoid transformation and their sizes depended on isothermal time and temperature ;

  11. 但是,两阶段正火中,第二阶段的保温温度必须选择在共析转变温度范围内。

    However , the optimum second holding temperature in 2 - step normalizing must be selected within the eutectoid temperature range .

  12. 随着含铝量的增加,共析转变热减小;合金的熔点增加;合金的熔化热也增加,但增幅不大。

    With the increasing of aluminum content , the heat of eutectoid transformation reduces , while the melting point of alloy rises .

  13. 通过对球墨铸铁件共析转变的分析,改进了球铁件中铁素体与珠光体形成的数学模型。

    Based on the analysis of eutectoid transformation of SG ( spheroidal graphite ) iron , the numerical model of formation of ferrite and pearlite during the eutectoid transformation was improved .

  14. 经炉前孕育处理后的铁水浇注成的白口铸件在共析转变温度(760℃)以下退火,再经20&30小时保温,可获完全铁素体基体的可锻铸铁。

    If proper inoculation is used for the liquid iron before casting malleable cast iron of ferritic matric by only annealing the white cast iron at temperature below eutectic point , 760 , for 20-30 hours .

  15. 结果表明,灰铸铁的硬度不仅与基体中珠光体的含量和细化程度有关,而且在很大程度上还取决于铸铁结晶过程中初生奥氏体量及其共析转变的结果。

    In this paper The hardness of grey iron is related to the amount and fineness of pearlite in the matrix , and is effected to a great extent by the amount of primary austenite and its eutectoid structure .

  16. 根据碳浓度不均匀奥氏体的离异共析转变机制,对1.6%C(质量分数,下同)锻造超高碳钢进行不同工艺的球化处理,并对具有不同球化组织的试样进行性能试验。

    The spheroidizing annealing tests were carried out on the 1.6 % C forged UHCS ( ultra-high carbon steel ) based on DET ( Divorced Eutectoid Transformation ) mechanism of the austenite with inhomogeneous carbon concentration . The mechanical properties of the UHCS samples with different microstructures were tested .

  17. 利用NbTiSi三元系的实验,验证了包共析型转变前后等温截面与扩散偶中相区分布的关系。

    The experiment of Nb-Ti-Si proves the relation between the change of isothermal sections of peritectoid-eutectoid reaction and the phase fields distribution in Nb-Ti-Si diffusion couples .

  18. 不发生先共析铁素体转变的临界冷却速度为0012℃/s。

    The critical cooling rate that does not occur pre - eutectoid ferrite is 0.012 ℃ / s.

  19. 在碳锰纯净钢的冷却转变过程中,随La含量的增加,先共析铁素体开始析出温度降低,析出速度加快,共析转变开始温度降低。

    During the cooling transformation process of carbon-manganese purity steels , the precipitation starting temperature of pro-eutectoid ferrite and eutectoid decreases and the precipitation speed increases with increasing La content .