
ɡònɡ yǒu quán
  • co-ownership;joint ownership;right of common
  1. 建筑物区分所有权中的共有权问题研究

    Study on the Co-Ownership in the Condominium Ownership

  2. 供应商应根据具体情况将该工具标记为我们的财产或我们拥有共有权的财产。

    The supplier shall label the tools as our property or property held in co-ownership , as applicable .

  3. 小区建筑物共有权权属分析

    An Analysis on the Right of the Co-ownership of Community Buildings

  4. 这道栅栏侵害了我们牧场的共有权。

    This fence contravenes our common right to pasturage .

  5. 最后对研究建筑物区分所有权之共有权的意义进行了阐述。

    Finally , the significance of joint ownership in condominium ownership is described .

  6. 第二,区分所有权人对共用部分的共有权。

    The second is the adjacent relationship caused by the use of common part ;

  7. 在此基础上,对建筑物区分所有权之共有权的涵义进一步进行分析研究,包括概念、法律特征。

    A further analysis including concepts , legal features of condominium ownership is made .

  8. 第二章对建筑物区分所有权之共有权客体进行了研究。

    Chapter Two makes research on the object in joint ownership in condominium ownership .

  9. 第一部分是对建筑物区分所有权之共有权的基础研究。

    The first part is about the fundamental research on common ownership in condominium ownership .

  10. 共有权权属是小区建筑物区分所有制度的核心问题。

    The right of co-ownership is the key issue of the distinctive ownership of community buildings .

  11. 中国现有立法中关于小区建筑物共有权权属的规定较为零乱。

    There is some confusion about the right of co-ownership of community buildings in Chinese legislations .

  12. 在此基础上,论述了共有权的从属性与不可分割性的法律性质。

    On this basis , legal nature of joint ownership such as affiliation and indivisibility is discussed .

  13. 随后,从三面就建筑物区分所有权之共有权制度提出立法建议。

    Subsequently , on three fronts , legislative proposals are made on joint ownership in condominium ownership system .

  14. 在第一部分中,讨论了建筑物区分所有权之共有权的概念及其特征,并对其法律性质进行了分析,明确了共有权的特殊地位及与专有权的法律关系。

    In the first part , we analyzed the concept of the common right of the building differentiation ownership .

  15. 出租人应将共有权、行政规章制度和内部章程交付给承租人以供参阅和遵守。

    LESSOR shall deliver to LESSEE the condominium and administration bylaws and the internal bylaws for information and compliance purposes .

  16. 在此基础上,对应承担法律责任的行为类型及共有权人之法律责任形式进行了分析。

    On this basis , the corresponding legal liability type of behavior and the legal liability of people are analyzed .

  17. 第一部分为本文的法理分析部分,内容为建筑物区分共有权概论。

    The contents of the first part are mainly about the definition of common ownership in partitioned ownership of building areas .

  18. 最后,笔者对于区分所有权小区车库(位)是否可作为共有权之客体进行了深入分析。

    Finally , the author makes a further analysis on whether residential parking lot could serve as a joint ownership object .

  19. 异产毗连法律关系的主体拥有区分所有权、共有权、相邻权和成员权。

    The subjects of the adjoined property legal relations possess the partitive ownership , common ownership , neighboring right and membership .

  20. 她已经拥有该房屋的共有权,要去掉她的名字只能通过她的同意了!

    She has had the mutual right of this building , want take out her name can agree through hers only !

  21. 小区停车位在法律性质上属于建筑物区分所有权中的共有权。

    In fact , parking space of commercial residential buildings is the right of common in Partitioned Ownership of Building Areas .

  22. 因此,必须从提高效率的角度对共有权的行使方式作出一定的修正。

    From angle exercising getting on the stick to right of common , way makes certain amendment therefore , be obliged to .

  23. 首先对规制我国建筑物区分共有权内容的法律进行了介绍和评价。

    Firstly , it introduces and evaluates the laws that regulate the contents of common ownership in partitioned ownership of building areas .

  24. 第三部分在介绍《物权法》草案中有关建筑物区分所有权之共有权规定的基础上,对该规定进行了评价,指出了其立法缺陷与不足,在此基础上提出了自己的几点建议。

    The third part introduces and evaluates the regulations about common ownership in condominium ownership in Real Right Draft and proposes several suggestions .

  25. 对于以上两个问题的澄清有助于解决我国越来越多的有关建筑物共有权的纠纷。

    Therefore , it is helpful to make clear the two problems to solve more relevant disputes on buildings ownership in our country .

  26. 我们共有权的比例应相当于该附属品相对于新产品整体价值的比例。

    Our co-ownership share shall be equal to the proportionate value of the Accessories compared to the overall value of the new item .

  27. 建筑物区分所有权人对专有部分享有所有权,并在此基础上行使共有权和成员权。

    Buildings differentiating ownership enjoy ownership of proprietary parts , and on the basis of this to exercise mutual rights and member rights .

  28. 第二是少数原则,即当小区物业共有权的行使按多数原则进行时,在特殊的情况下,可能侵犯少数人的合法权益。

    There is likelihood to infringe rights of the minority people when owners exercise these collective co-ownership rights ruled by the first principle .

  29. 笔者认为,小区物业共有权性质的界定与传统民法中的共有理论密切相关。

    The author thinks that the definition of the collective co-ownership of the communities has close relation to the common rights in traditional system .

  30. 通过小区物业共有权的制度构建和运行,真正实现小区的安定与和谐。

    The established harmonious and balanced communities will be achieved by building these systems of the collective co-ownership of the communities ' real property .