
  1. 最后对集体企业职工安置提供可行的对策。

    Finally places to the Collective enterprise staff provides the feasible countermeasure .

  2. 城镇小集体企业职工、临时工、个体工商户及私营企业从业人员是扩大基本养老保险覆盖面的重点对象。

    Workers of small enterprises in the towns , casual workers , private business people , workers of the private enterprises are the people to be encluded to receive old age pension .

  3. 在集体企业改制方案设计方面,主要是集体企业职工代表大会的法律地位问题、资产量化问题和改制企业的组织形式问题。

    Those in making design for collective enterprise reform are legal status of the workers congress in collective enterprise , assessment of property and forms of reformed enterprise .

  4. 近年来,江西未参保城镇集体企业退休人员、手工业联社未参保大集体企业退休职工、返城未安置就业知青等群体也相继纳入养老保险范围或享有养老生活补助。

    In recent years , the Jiangxi city town collective enterprises retirees , retired workers of the handicraft industry couplet in uninsured large collective enterprises and the educated youth groups who returning to the city without employment have also incorporated into the endowment insurance or pension allowance .