
  • 网络container management
  1. 基于传感器网络和有源RFID的集装箱管理系统

    Container Management System Based on Sensor Network and Active RFID

  2. 只有依托先进的RFID技术,才能够实现港口车辆管理系统、集装箱管理系统以及人员管理系统的智能化、高效性,从而提高港口的国际竞争力。

    Only by relying on advanced RFID technology could the ports achieve the intelligence and efficiency of the vehicle management system , container management systems , and personnel management system , thereby enhancing the international competitiveness of the ports .

  3. 试验结果表明,C公司的冷藏集装箱管理可以运用JIT理论进行工作改进,实现降低冷藏箱管理成本的工作目的。

    The experimental result shows that the JIT theory can be used in the work place to improve reefer container control management , and helps it to achieve the goal of reducing Reefer Container Control management costs in C company .

  4. 介绍了利用计算机实现铁路车站集装箱管理的实现方法。

    It was introduced the methods of container Information Management System .

  5. 散装水泥/粉煤灰专用集装箱管理支持系统装罐用推车机的推杆

    Special Container Management Support System for Three Gorges Project-Cement Fly Ash Dispatching

  6. 集装箱管理系统开发中面向方面编程方法的量化分析

    Quantitative analysis on using AOP in the development of container management information system

  7. 拥有一支专业化的集装箱管理团队。

    Our company has a professional container management team .

  8. 浅谈集装箱管理在吹填砂土上建筑集装箱堆场的地基处理

    Treatment of Foundation of Container Stack Yard Built on Barged-in Fill Sand Soil

  9. 福州新港集装箱管理信息系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of FICT Container Management Information System

  10. 第三章主要研究班轮公司集装箱管理中的租箱问题。

    The third chapter is about container leasing in equipment control of liner shipping company .

  11. 关于铁路集装箱管理工作的思考

    Thoughts on Railway Container Management Work

  12. 将射频识别技术应用到集装箱管理中,将极大的提高管理的水平和效率。

    Therefore , the application of RFID in container can improve the management and enhance the efficiency .

  13. 集装箱管理成本研究

    Container Management Cost Research

  14. 集装箱管理信息系统

    Container handling information system

  15. 以三峡工程散装水泥/粉煤灰调运为背景,论述了实施集装箱管理支持系统的必要性,并在分析集装箱管理业务基础上提出了专用集装箱管理系统的设计框架。

    In the background of TGP Cement Fly Ash Dispatching , the necessity of Container Management Support system is elaborated .

  16. 空箱调运是集装箱管理工作中非常重要的一个组成部分,它与箱务管理其他环节息息相关。

    Empty repositioning is one of the most important part of container management , it has great connection with other kinds of work about container management .

  17. 集装箱管理是国际集装箱运输中不可缺少的一个组成部分,它贯穿整个集装箱运输过程。将射频识别技术应用到集装箱管理中,将极大的提高管理的水平和效率。

    The management of container is of great importance in the international container transportation . Therefore , the application of RFID in container can improve the management and enhance the efficiency .

  18. 本文首先描述了港口堆场集装箱管理的课题背景.国内外的发展状况以及面临的问题.并提出了一些箱位自动分配的算法模型。

    This paper describes the first port container yard logistics management background issues , the development of domestic and international situation and the problems and put forward a number of automatic slot allocation algorithm model .

  19. 据相关数据显示,集装箱管理费用在班轮公司航线营运成本中所占比重较大的一部分,而集装箱空箱调运问题所涉及到的调运费用和租箱费用占航线集装箱管理费用的一半以上。

    According to related statistics , container management cost is a large cost in the total cost of shipping line operating , and more than half of container management fee is resulted from empty container distribution problem which is related to the reposition expenses and leasing cost .

  20. 基于RFID中间件的铁路集装箱堆场管理系统

    Railway Container Yard Management Information System Based on RFID Middleware

  21. RFID在集装箱运输管理中的应用、挑战及架构

    Application , challenge and Architecture in Container Transportation and management based on RFID

  22. RFID技术与集装箱追踪管理

    RFID Technologies and Container Tracking Management

  23. 本文主要结合近些年来RFID技术的发展的特点,简要介绍了集装箱运输管理中RFID的应用。

    This essay simply introduces RFID 's application to container transportation management , related to the characters of the development of RFID technology in these years .

  24. 一种新型自动化无人堆场的工艺与设备集装箱堆场管理信息系统

    A New-Type Handling Process and Equipments for Automated Unmanned Container Yard

  25. 班轮公司集装箱信息管理问题。

    The information management of equipment control in liner shipping company .

  26. 基于信息技术的军用集装箱运输管理系统研究

    Research on Military Container Transport Management System Based on Information Technology

  27. 又进一步进行了集装箱堆场管理系统的详细设计。

    And further carry out the detailed design of yard management system .

  28. 关于某车辆段综合库桩基问题的探讨集装箱堆场管理信息系统

    Discussion on pile foundation problem of integrated storehouse in a traffic section

  29. 昆明东站集装箱微机管理系统研制

    Research and Production of Computer Management System of Containers in Kunming East Station

  30. 海运集装箱收益管理舱位动态控制策略研究

    Study on the Dynamic Control Policy of Container Liner Slots Based on Revenue Management