
  1. BT公司是一家从事轨道交通设备的制造商,主要产品有铁路及高速铁路机车、城市轨道交通设备等。

    BT is a company engaged in manufacturing rail transportation equipment , its main products including railway and high-speed railway locomotives and urban rail facilities .

  2. 城市轨道交通设备系统可持续发展的技术对策

    Technical Strategies for Sustainable Development of Equipment System in Urban Rail Transit

  3. 模糊集合论在城市轨道交通设备国产化决策中的应用

    A Study on Using Fuzzy Set Theory in Decision making for Localization of URT Equipment

  4. 自从城市轨道交通设备实施国产化的政策以来,我国城轨车辆的国产化成绩突出,国产的城轨车辆不断涌现,自主创新能力显著提高。

    Since the implementation of urban rail transportation equipment localization policy , Chinese urban rail vehicle localization have made brilliant achievements , domestic urban rail vehicles are constantly emerging , the capability of independent innovation are enhancing significantly .

  5. 城市轨道交通通信设备抢修系统的设计与应用

    Rush Repair System for Communications Equipment in Intercity Rail Transit

  6. 基于全寿命周期费用的城市轨道交通工程设备选择

    The Life - Cycle Cost and Selection of Urban Mass Transit Equipment

  7. 城市轨道交通车站设备电源整合方案探讨

    Discussion on Integration Solution for Equipment Power Supply in Urban Rail Transit Stations

  8. 城市轨道交通工程设备采购的评标方法浅议

    A Study on the Method to Assess the Equipment Bidding of Urban Rail Transit Engineering

  9. 基于接口库的城市轨道交通工程设备接口研究

    Research on interface of engineering equipment for Urban Mass Transit Based on the interface bank

  10. 现代城市轨道交通系统的设备管理

    Management of Equipment in Modern Urban Mass Transit System

  11. 作为主要完成人,作者从始至终一直参与了某城市轨道交通车辆电气设备检修系统的实际开发。

    As leading person , the author involved in the actual development of Wuhan urban rail vehicle electrical equipment maintenance system from start to the end .

  12. 城市轨道交通国产ATP车载设备超速防护功能的仿真实现

    Simulation of Overspeed Protection of Onboard ATP Device in UMT

  13. 城市轨道交通线路终端防护设备&DDCQ2型滑移式缓冲挡车器

    The Protection Equipment of Urban Rapid Rail Transit Railway Terminal

  14. 分析了我国发展城市轨道交通的形势和条件,预测我国城市轨道交通设备可在3~5年内实现国产化。

    The situation and conditions for the development of urban rail transit in China are analyzed . It is estimated that the urban rail transit equipment can possibly be localized within 3 to 5 years .