
  • 网络urban heritage;City heritage
  1. 我国城市遗产保护民间力量的成长

    The Growth of Folk Force in Urban Heritage Conservation in China

  2. 中国历史城市遗产的保护与合理利用

    Preservation and Rational Utilization of Historic Urban Heritage in China

  3. 再论市场经济背景下的城市遗产保护

    Conservation of City Heritage in the market economy

  4. 国内外历史城市遗产旅游研究比较分析

    A comparative analysis of heritage tourism research on historic city at home and abroad

  5. 集体选择视野下的城市遗产保护研究

    Research on the Urban Heritage Conservation : In the View of " Collective Choice "

  6. 上海城市遗产的保护策略

    Conservation strategy of urban heritage in Shanghai

  7. 国人城市遗产保护意识的淡薄,觉得很有必要在全社会发展一场保护遗产的运动。

    This leads to a news report from the Chinese city of heritage protection awareness .

  8. 城市遗产保护的信息分析

    Site Analysis of Urban Heritage Conservation

  9. 上海城市遗产保护观念的发展及对中国名城保护的思考

    The development of shanghai 's urban conservation and consideration of the conservation of china 's historic cities

  10. 城市遗产保护工作是上海城市规划与建设管理中的一项重要内容。

    Urban heritage conservation is a very important part of urban planning and urban development mangement in Shanghai .

  11. 首先,作者从城市遗产保护者和城市规划者的两个视角重新审视了城市遗产保护的含义。

    It first considers the meaning of " urban heritage conservation " from both a conserver 's perspective and a planner 's.

  12. 论文将城市遗产保护研究与城市经济转型研究结合,使研究具有多重目标和诸多意义。

    Through jointing the research on city legacy protection with that on city economic transform , the study reaches multi-objects and meanings .

  13. 保护城市遗产是每一个公民应尽的义务,也是当今城市可持续发展的重要内涵之一。

    As a bounden duty of every generation , the urban heritage conservation is one of the essential components of the urban sustainable development .

  14. 如何在坊子古镇整体性保护的基础上充分开发利用城市遗产资源,实现城市产业经济转型,实现资源型城市的可持续发展,成为区域发展的重要问题之一。

    How to exploit fully city heritage resources on the basis of whole protection and realize city industry transfer and further maintain sustainable development ?

  15. 本文结合具体案例进行了一定的实证探索,为其他城市遗产保护项目提供了对比参考。

    Also it searches on the conservation practice with some specific cases , and provides comparisons and references on the heritage conservation projects in other cities .

  16. 而面对全球化的冲击,城市遗产更新中的自然和人文特色的保护显得尤为重要,更新的每一个环节都必须有城市传统因素的存在。

    In the face of the impact of globalization , it becomes most important to protect natural and cultural characteristics in the progress of renovating city heritage .

  17. 三方的合作目的是使巴西重要的城市遗产从总体上得到保护和发展,并焕发出新的活力。

    The objective of their cooperation is to guarantee the overall preservation and development of Brazil 's important urban heritage , and to help it show renewed vitality .

  18. 上海犹太遗址和特色建筑反映了犹太人在近现代上海各个领域的活动情况,是上海城市遗产的一个重要组成部分。

    The Jewish sites and characteristic architectures in Shanghai reflects the activities of Jews in various fields in Shanghai . They are important parts of the city heritage of Shanghai .

  19. 研究结果有助于城市遗产保护和开发利用,还有助于城市通过产业结构升级确立新的主导产业,促进资源型城市经济转型和可持续发展。

    The findings help to protect and exploit city legacy , and to promote conversion and stainable development of resource-based cities by means of upgrading industrial structure to establish new leading industries .

  20. 研究对象上集中于一些已经被列为世界自然和文化遗产的遗产地上,缺乏对其他遗产类型的挖掘研究,如城市遗产和近代建筑遗产的研究等。

    The study objects often concentrated on the heritages have been listed as world natural and cultural heritage , and lack of research on other types of heritage , such as the urban heritage and modern architectural heritage studies .

  21. 城市历史遗产保护:从文物建筑到历史保护区

    Urban historic heritage protection , from monumental building to historic quarter

  22. 城市空间遗产与城市可持续发展方式和手段

    Urban Spatial Heritage and the Means of Urban Sustainable Development

  23. 法国重现城市文化遗产价值的实践

    Practice in Reappearance of the value of Urban Cultural Heritage in France

  24. 近代城市文化遗产保护的理论与实践问题

    The theory and practice on modern urban culture heritage preservation

  25. 城市文化遗产保护是一个动态发展的过程,必将随着社会发展而变化。

    The city culture heritage protection is developing along with the society development .

  26. 南京城市西部遗产廊道规划

    Planning of Heritage Corridor of the West of Nanjing

  27. 城市产业遗产保护再利用研究与思考

    Urban Industrial Heritage Protection , Reutilization and Thinking

  28. 于是,这两方面的矛盾构成了城市历史遗产保护中价值冲突的基础。

    These two contradictions formed a basis of value collision in urban historical heritage conservation .

  29. 保护城市文化遗产&从地方文献工作做起

    Discussion on the Protection of Urban Cultural Heritage & Starting from the Local Literature Work

  30. 令人骄傲的城市文化遗产,是纳什维尔居民保存数以百计的古旧建筑物以及房屋。

    Proud of their city 's heritage , Nashville residents have preserved many of their oldest homes and buildings .