
  • 网络Shanghai Biennale;Shanghai Biennial
  1. 上海双年展渐渐不再是单纯的艺术活动。

    Shanghai Biennale has no longer been a simple art activity gradually .

  2. 这届上海双年展上,有些艺术家的作品被禁止展出。

    Several artists were banned from exhibiting in the latest edition of the Shanghai Biennale .

  3. 参加“首届上海双年展”,上海美术馆,中国;

    " First Shanghai Biennale ", Shanghai Art Museum , China ;

  4. 经营理想,建造智慧&2002年上海双年展杂感

    IDEAL OF OPERATION , INTELLIGENCE OF BUILDING : Thought of Shanghai Biennale 2002

  5. 都市营造&2002上海双年展国际学生展评述

    Urban Creation : Review on the International Students ' Exhibition in Shanghai Biennale 2002

  6. 最后则是从地域文化身份的角度对上海双年展的未来走向提出了自己的拷问。

    Final I interrogate with torture the future route of Shanghai Biennale with region culture status angle .

  7. 2002上海双年展提出了当代艺术与都市化问题,在如何看待中国当代实验性建筑的艺术独创性方面引发人们的思考。

    2002 Shanghai Biennale highlights contemporary art and urbanity , and stimulates originality in experimental architectural practice in China .

  8. 这是参加过2009年上海双年展的吕山川的第三次个展,展出艺术家近2年创作的“广场系列”的大型绘画作品。

    This is going to be the third solo show of the artist , who has participated in the2009 Shanghai Biennale .

  9. 这种语言也正符合当时上海双年展《超设计》的主题。

    It was a kind of language that fitted very well with the theme of the Biennale , which was " Beyond Design " .

  10. 以都市营造为主题的2002上海双年展是一次艺术家和建筑师的盛会。

    Shanghai Biennale 2002 , under the title of Urban Creation , is a festival for artists and architects from all over the world .

  11. 第二部分以上海双年展、北京双年展为例,对国内双年展策划人制度的现状进行描述和评析;

    The second part , taking Shanghai 's biennale and Beijing 's biennale as examples , describes evaluates and analyzes the current situation of the domestic curator system ;

  12. 我们希望上海双年展更加国际化,当代艺术馆副馆长李旭说,这是新的文化自信。

    We want the Shanghai Biennale to be more international , said Li Xu , deputy director of the Power Station . This is a new kind of cultural confidence .

  13. 简介:2004年9月28日,“影像生存”为主题的上海双年展上,一位观众在作品《911幸存者》前久久驻足。

    A visitor is standing in front of the photo work " Survivors of911 " in the Shanghai Biannual with the subject of " The Images of Subsistence " in Shanghai , on Sept.28,2004 .

  14. 本研究以上海双年展为主要探讨对象,分析艺术设计展此类视觉再现媒介在都市文化语境下的意义生产。

    This study will be targeted at one visual reproduced media , Shanghai Biennale Festival ( SBF ), to analyze the significance production of this kind of arts and designing exhibition in the context of urban culture .

  15. 参加上海美术双年展,上海美术馆。上海;

    Shanghai Biennale , Shanghai Art Museum in Shanghai .

  16. 《舞蹈课》参加上海美术双年展首届水墨作品展。

    Dancing Class was shown in the First Wash Painting Exhibition of Shanghai Fine Arts Even Year Exhibition .

  17. 数码交互作品“寻桃花源记”参加上海国际双年展并出版配套书籍;

    The digital work Looking for the Origin of Peach Blossom was displayed in Shanghai Biennale and also published later .

  18. 当快城快客成为上海2008年双年展的主题之时,中国日益加快的城市化进程已经到了不容忽视的地步。

    When Trans-local-motion became the theme of the 2008 Biennale in Shanghai , none of us can turn our attention away from the fact that urbanization has speeded up in China and cities are becoming more and more dynamic in a number of ways .

  19. 上海当代艺术馆的首次亮相是主办第九届上海双年展,这里原本是一个废弃的巨大发电厂,建筑工人和艺术家们为展览空间忙碌到开展前的最后一刻。

    By the time the Power Station was set to make its debut by playing host to the ninth Shanghai Biennale , construction workers and artists alike were hurrying until the final hours to prepare the space , a colossal decommissioned electrical power plant , for the show .