
shàng guāng
  • glazing;polishing;lustering;ferrotype
上光[shàng guāng]
  1. 它可以使用5色印刷及上光工艺,其印刷质量和整饰效果远胜过传统的CD盒。

    It can use the5-color printing and glazing process , the printing quality and effectiveness of finishing much better than traditional CD boxes .

  2. 紫外线固化纸张上光漆研究

    Study on applying glazing paint on paper solidified by ultraviolet radiation

  3. 上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。

    Wax polish preserves wood and leather .

  4. 那个房间里散发着浓浓的上光剂的气味。

    The room smelt strongly of polish .

  5. 凝滞的空气中隐隐有股家具上光剂的味道。

    The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish .

  6. 小山顶上光秃秃的。

    The top of the hill was bare .

  7. VillageVoice网站编辑尼克格林尼用怀旧的情怀给怀旧上光。

    Village Voice web editor Nick Greene waxes nostalgic on nostalgia .

  8. 铜版纸印刷品全幅面UV上光油量的分析

    Analysis of UV Oil Quantity in Full Format Coating on Coated Paper

  9. UV固化纸印品水性上光油的研制

    Development of UV Curing Overprinting Varnish

  10. UV固化纸张水性上光油的研究

    Study on Waterborne UV Cured Varnish

  11. 魁栗、紫油光、上光栗、本地土板栗4个品种可共用1个方程(x为叶长×叶宽)进行叶面积测定。

    The leaf area of 4 varieties may be determinated by the equation , ( x represses leaf length × leaf width )

  12. 玻璃上光致双亲性TiO2膜的制备及其润滑性能研究

    Preparation and Lubrication Properties of Photo-Induced Amphiphilic Film on Glass

  13. 4-氯酚在TiO2纳米膜上光催化降解及反应动力学特征

    Kinetic law of photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol on TiO_2 film

  14. 在薄膜TiO2/γ-Al2O3和粉末TiO2上光催化降解苯酚的研究

    Photocatalytic Decomposition of Phenol on TiO_2 Film / γ - Al_2O_3 and TiO_2 Powder

  15. 研究了用铜版纸印刷的中小学课本封面进行UV上光时,上光油的最佳用量。

    The optimum UV varnishing oil quantity in full format UV coating on coated paper used in textbook cover was studied .

  16. 室温成膜低VOC上光涂料的制备

    Preparation of Room Temperature Film Formation and Low VOC Finishing Coatings

  17. PAM对土壤入渗量和抗侵蚀能力的影响用力擦上光剂,使之渗入。

    Influence of PAM for soil infiltration capacity and anti-erosion ability Rub the polish well in .

  18. 所研制的UV固化皮革上光油完全达到真皮革和人造革的涂饰要求。

    The formulas of the UV cured varnish were optimized and could be used as the painting of both natural and artificial leather .

  19. Cu/TiO2-NiO上光促表面催化CO2和H2O合成CH3OH反应规律

    The Photo Stimulated Surface Reaction of Synthesis of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide and Water on Cu / TiO_2-NiO

  20. 首先,我们研究了氯代乙酸存在下Pt/TiO2上光催化生成氢的反应。

    Firstly , we studied the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and decomposition of the pollutants over Pt / TiO_2 in the presence of chloroacetic acids .

  21. 鉴于绿色包装、绿色印刷的主题要求,本文作者详细介绍了解决印后加工污染问题的有效方法&水性上光和UV上光。

    In view of subject requirement of green packaging and green printing , the author advances the sufficient way of resolving post-press pollution , the water-base glossing and glossing in detail .

  22. 用核-壳乳液聚合方法制备了室温成膜低VOC丙烯酸类上光涂料。

    A room temperature film formation and low VOC acrylic finishing coatings has been prepared by core-shell structure emulsion polymerization .

  23. 主要研究了在TiO2薄膜上光催化降解有机磷废水。

    The degradation of organic phosphorous pesticide waste water using thin films of TiO2 , which was prepared in an atmospheric vertical chemical vapor deposition system , was studied .

  24. 该文以Fourier光学作为理论工具,研究光盘表面的反射场变化引起的光学头出瞳面上光场分布变化;

    Fourier optics was used to study the change of the the optical field distribution on the exit pupil of the pickup caused by the change of the reflective field on the optical disc surface .

  25. 掺Cu对MoO3-TiO2/SiO2上光促甲烷和水表面反应的影响

    Effect of Doped Cu ~ ( 2 + ) on Photo-Stimulated Surface Reaction between Methane and Water over MoO_3-TiO_2 / SiO_2

  26. MoO3-TiO2/SiO2上光促表面催化甲烷和水合成甲醇和氢气

    Photo Stimulated Surface Catalytic Syntheses of Methanol and Hydrogen from Methane and Water over MoO_3-TiO_2 / SiO_2

  27. 以草酸为电子给体在Pt-TiO2上光催化生成氢

    Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation over Pt-TiO_2 with Oxalic Acid as Electron Donor

  28. 对于Thror的地图,分庭提出的木结构和上光它。

    For Thror 's map , Chambers made the wood frame and varnished it .

  29. 为了提高脊波导结构的超辐射二极管(SLD)与单模光纤的耦合功率,研究了有源区与脊之间的残留层和上光限制层的厚度对SLD输出功率和近场光斑的影响。

    With the aim of achieving high coupling power of RWG SLDs into SMFs , the structure dependences of the output power and the near field pattern are investigated .

  30. 较详细地分析了用于全硅片上光互连所用光波导(如多晶Si/SiO2、Si/SiO2、Si3N4/SiO2)需满足的基本条件、制作方法以及损耗机制,总结了目前的研究进展。

    The waveguides ( poly Si / SiO_2 , Si / SiO_2 , Si_3N_4 / SiO_2 ) for on-chip optical interconnect have been analyzed in detail , including the basic conditions , fabrication method and loss mechanism . The recent progress is summarized .