
zhǐ dài
  • paper bag
  1. 男孩将纸袋吹得鼓了起来。

    The boy blew out the paper bag .

  2. 那个调皮的男孩啪的一声吹爆了一个纸袋,使伙伴们吓了一跳。

    The mischievous boy startled the company by blowing out a paper bag and bursting it .

  3. 阿利斯泰尔已小心翼翼地将那张报纸折起,放在厚纸袋下面。

    Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks .

  4. 他们希望有朝一日纸袋也会被禁止,并希望购物者连续几年都使用相同的、可重复使用的袋子。

    They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers   to   use the same reusable bags for years .

  5. 不要用纸杯或纸袋。

    Don 't use a paper cup or a paper bag .

  6. 令我惊讶的是,我发现她每天早上九点左右会把一些食物放进一个纸袋里带出去。

    To my surprise , I found that she would put some of the food into a paper bag and go out with it at about nine every morning .

  7. 购物时,我们可以少用纸袋,也可重复使用我们现有的。总的来说,我们应该在用纸和保护树木之间保持平衡,并且应该立即开始,免得为时已晚。

    When shopping , we can use fewer paper bags and reuse them if we have some . In short , we should keep a balance between using paper and protecting trees , and do it now before it is too late .

  8. 因为在美国,午餐盒饭多半都装在棕色纸袋里。

    In the USA , those are often packed in brown paper bags .

  9. 海南省政府表示,可使用的替代品包括可降解塑料袋、纸袋、布袋以及亚麻布袋,可重复使用的塑料篮子、柳条篮、竹篮等。

    On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags ; paper , cloth and linen authorities .

  10. 矿质元素的变化为:Mg含量套纸袋较塑膜袋和对照显著升高;

    Mineral elements also had a change : Mg was increased ;

  11. 你确定纸袋是干净的吗,James?

    Are you sure your bag is clean , James ?

  12. 外着中古店淘来的二手衣服搭配LV最新款的纸袋。

    Outside the middle of second-hand clothes shop to match the latest LV bag .

  13. 而今,Maya一家拥有了一个小小的纸袋制造厂。

    Today , the Mayas own a small paper-bag making company .

  14. KP高得率木浆生产纸袋纸的技术

    Review of the Technology of Producing Sack Paper with High Yield Kraft Pulp

  15. 它无法显示一个由ASCII码组成的纸袋图形。

    It couldn 't render its way out of an ASCII-art paper bag .

  16. 西门子S7-200在纸袋糊口机同步控制系统中的应用

    The Application of S7-200 PLC on Synchronized Control System of Sticking Mouth of Bag Machine

  17. 纸袋纸中配用落叶松SCMP的研究

    A Study on the Adding Larch SCMP in Bag Paper

  18. 以降低废纸袋纸浆硬度为目的,进行了废纸袋纸浆单段氧脱木素和H2O2强化氧脱木素的实验。

    In order to reduce the hardness of the pulp from waste paper-bag , one-stage oxygen delignification and oxygen delignification strengthened with H_2O_2 of the pulp were studied in this paper .

  19. 从套袋种类来看,以双层纸袋(J)效果最好,单层纸袋(Q)和塑膜袋(S)在高海拔地区效果很差。

    3.We could draw a conclusion that the double paper bag ( J ) was the best , the single paper bag ( Q ) and the plastic bag ( S ) is not good in high altitude area .

  20. 套3层纸袋果实生长速度最慢,平均每15d果实体积增加量为31.6ml;

    Fruits bagged in three-layer paper bag grew most slowly and the volume increases by 31.6 ml per 15 days on average .

  21. 食品公司BumbleBeeFoods在8月份推出了BumbleBeeSuperFresh冷冻海鲜产品,它配备一个用于在烤箱中蒸鱼的仿羊皮纸纸袋。在此之前,该公司对25000多名消费者进行了调查。

    Bumble Bee Foods talked to more than 25000 consumers before rolling out its Bumble Bee SuperFresh frozen seafood last month , including a parchment paper pouch for steam-cooking the fish in the oven .

  22. 介绍多元变性淀粉YZ-151、152在新闻纸、文化用纸、纸袋纸、牛皮箱板纸等纸种中的应用情况。

    The application figures about the using of multiple-modified starch YZ-151 , YZ-152 in newsprint paper , business paper , kraft bag paper and kraft paperboard etc.

  23. 介绍了YZ-151、HCT-1在二次纤维抄造纸袋纸中的应用情况,并分析了其应用效果。

    The application and effect of YZ-151 ( amphoteric starch ) and HCT-1 ( spray starch ) used in threaded kraft sack paper which is made by second fiber pulp are introduced .

  24. 但对绝大多数人来说纸袋比塑料袋好。

    But for many people , paper is better than plastic .

  25. 报纸和旧纸袋在水沟微微地旋。

    Newspapers and old sacks skirled a little in the gutters .

  26. 那男孩把纸袋吹胀后又把它弄破了。

    The boy blew the paper bag out and burst it .

  27. 铁岭市水泥纸袋厂

    Paper Sack Factory for Cement , Tieling City , Liaoning Province

  28. 煤焦油沥青的纸袋热包装新工艺

    New Process of Paper Bag Hot Packing of Coal Tar Pitch

  29. 有一天他回家来,怀里揣着一只大纸袋。

    He returned home one day embracing a large paper bag .

  30. 绕(成柱形或团)斯坦把装着钱的纸袋卷了起来。

    Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside .