
  1. 与纸质阅读者相比,iPad阅读者对文字叙述的理解更差,对故事的投入更弱,同情心也更少。

    The iPad readers had less narrative grasp , less immersion and less sympathy .

  2. 他们对人们在屏幕(iPad上的Kindle应用软件)和纸质阅读是否存在差异进行研究,不过也观察了阅读小说和非小说之间的差异。

    Their research examined whether people read differently on a screen ( the Kindle app on an iPad ) and a printed page , but also looked at the difference between fiction and non-fiction .

  3. 网络阅读与纸质阅读的行为分析

    Behaviour Analysis of Web Reading and Paper Reading in Web Age

  4. 在认为阅读内容为小说的研究对象中,屏幕阅读和纸质阅读之间几乎没有差别。

    Among those who thought it was fiction , there was little difference between screen and print readers .

  5. 我觉得未来纸质阅读仍然是非常的阅读。

    And I think paper reading will still be a very important way of reading in the future .

  6. 有人曾谈到纸质阅读的意外收获,但我认为没这么简单。

    Others have spoken about the serendipity of print , but I think there is more to it .

  7. 尽管研究人员尝试了研究纸质阅读和屏幕阅读的区别,但结果并不清晰。

    While researchers have tried to examine the difference between print and onscreen reading , the results are fuzzy .

  8. 一些研究发现,纸质阅读和屏幕阅读在理解和回忆方面几乎没有区别。

    Some studies have found little difference in comprehension and recall between those reading print and those looking at screens .

  9. 作为增长最快的数字化阅读方式,手机阅读很有用,但是它显然比纸质阅读更“窄”。

    Reading from a mobile phone , the fastest-growing form of digital reading , is useful , but it is , literally , narrower than print .

  10. 但是他们对文字叙述的理解、对故事情节的投入以及对人物的同情程度,与纸质阅读者几乎没有差别。

    But their grasp of the narrative , their immersion in the story and how much sympathy they felt with the characters differed little from that of the print readers .

  11. 我国目前正处在由传统图书馆向信息化、数字化的多媒介图书馆过渡时期,从原来的以纸质阅读媒介逐渐转向为以多媒介为主的介质载体。

    China is currently in a transition period from the traditional library information technology , digital multi-media library turned to the media carrier-based multi-media , from the original paper read media .

  12. 所以,无论是纸质阅读的时代,还是数字阅读的时代,都迫切需要建立一个科学有效的导读系统,引导读者在信息海洋里获取有价值的信息。

    So , whether it is the times of the paper reading or digital reading , it is urgent to establish a scientific and effective reading guidance system , to guide readers in the information ocean to access valuable information .

  13. 与传统的纸质阅读相比,电子阅读的方式越来越受欢迎,与此同时随着生活节奏的加快,人们的阅读时间被分散,因此更便捷的电子阅读方式也越来越受青睐。

    Nowadays , the electronic reading is more and more popular compared with the traditional reading use paper . Due to the accelerated pace of life , our reading time is dispersed and therefore the more convenient way of reading is much favored .

  14. 在科技如此发达的今天,J.K.罗琳能让数百万儿童重新拿起纸质书阅读,她简直逆天了。

    In the modern era of technological advance , J.K. Rowling did the impossible and got millions of children to read books .

  15. 纸质书阅读组如预期般有着更好的睡眠。

    As anticipated , reading print made for better Zzzs .

  16. 这项调查显示,60%的受访者在2015年通过自己的手机来进行阅读,相比前一年增加了8.2个百分点。2015年人均电子书阅读量为3.26本,而纸质图书阅读量为4.58本。

    The survey revealed that 60 percent of respondents read on their mobile phones in 2015 , up 8.2 percentage points than the previous year . On average , readers read 3.26 e-books , while 4.58 paper books were read per capita in 2015 .

  17. 形式方面的特征主要表现为:版面设计模仿纸质书籍;阅读功能多样;装帧风格灵活。

    The features of form suggest the imitation design of to paper book , the diversity of reading function and the flexibility of decoration .

  18. 通过分析,作者认为地铁报对于传统报纸来讲是延续其生命的一味良药,他的发展可以对成长在互联网时代的年轻人重新培养起纸质媒介的阅读习惯,扩大报纸的受众群体,延续其生命。

    As analyzed , the writer considers that the Metro newspaper can extend the life of traditional newspaper and rebuild the habit of reading paper media for young people in internet era , enlarge the audience group for newspaper and extend its life .

  19. 一项新的研究表明,纸质书籍比睡前阅读的电子书更好。

    A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading .

  20. 同时由于作品集的大量刊印,闺秀诗人之间通过纸质媒介的相互阅读和交往成为可能。

    Due to the large number woman collections ' print at the same time , the famous poets ' communication and mutual read through print media became possible .

  21. 文章通过对电子超文本与普通纸质文本差异的分析,探讨了网络阅读与纸质阅读各自的功能定位,由此对网络时代用户进行网络阅读与纸质阅读的行为作出分析结论。

    This paper discusses the functional positioning of web reading and paper reading based on the analysis of difference between electronic hypertext and paper text , thus comes to the conclusion about these two reading behaviour .