
  • 网络Mobile Community
  1. 两年前,移动社区有传言说RIM将会同时支持Flash和Silverlight程序。

    It was two years ago when the mobile community was abuzz with rumors that RIM would be supporting both Flash and Silverlight applications .

  2. 在极客媒体中,有人称此举等于投降,而也有人认为,公司向其他移动社区开放,是非常有力的举措。

    Some in the geek media called it surrender , while others saw it as a great move by the company to open itself up to the rest of the mobile community .

  3. 在极客媒体中,有人称此举等于“投降”,而也有人认为,公司向其他移动社区开放,是非常有力的举措。

    Some in the geek media called it " surrender , " while others saw it as a great move by the company to open itself up to the rest of the mobile community .

  4. 论文的这一部分工作对于今后移动虚拟社区的构建提供了一个可行的设计及实现思路,具有一定的技术参考价值。

    This part of the thesis provides a feasible design and implementation ideas for the construction of future mobile virtual community , has a certain reference value .

  5. 基于GPRS移动监护的社区健康管理系统的设计

    Design of a Community Health Management System Based on GPRS Mobile Monitoring

  6. 移动互联网应用社区中的Widget资源变更管理

    Mobile Widget Change Management in Mobile Internet Application Community

  7. 根据兴趣导向的移动学习者社区构建

    Construction of interest-oriented learning communities for mobile-learners

  8. 从某种角度上说,《星际迷航》系列也是公路片,有点像是一个在星际中移动的社会主义社区。

    In a way , the Star Trek stories are a road movie too , a kind of mobile Socialist community between the stars .

  9. Stutt表示,南海滩(SouthBeach)、布里克尔(Brickell)和温伍德(Wynwood)是最适合移动办公者的社区。

    According to Stutt , South Beach , Brickell and Wynwood are the best neighbourhoods for nomads .

  10. 自回归移动平均模型评价社区卫生服务连续性

    Study on using ARMA model to evaluate the continuity of community health services

  11. 移动互联网的发展与智能终端的兴起促进了移动学习及虚拟社区的变革,为解决IT营销人员的持续学习问题提供了有利条件。

    The rising of Mobile Internet and the development of intelligent terminal cause the changes in mobile learning and virtual community , providing favorable conditions for the solution of continuous learning problems of IT marketing personnel .