
  • 网络mobile reading
  1. 基于3G技术的图书馆移动阅读服务

    Library Mobile Reading Based on 3G Technology

  2. 移动阅读;电子书;移动图书馆;内容提供商;

    Mobile reading ; E-book ; Mobile library ; Content provider ;

  3. Circa带给用户的阅读体验令大多数传统媒体移动阅读应用相形见绌。

    It shows in the circa reading experience , which puts to shame the majority of traditional media outlets ' mobile readers .

  4. 移动阅读在图书馆实行的可能性分析

    The Possibility Analysis of the Mobile Reading in the Library

  5. 电纸书;图书馆;馆藏结构;移动阅读服务;

    E-book ; library ; structure of library holdings ; mobile reading service ;

  6. 从分析中得出针对女大学生群体的移动阅读设备的设计策略。

    Obtain mobile reading devices design strategy directing for female college students from analysis .

  7. 阅读体验的高低决定移动阅读设备的优劣和生命周期。

    The level of reading experience determines the merits and life cycle of mobile reading devices .

  8. 数字化是出版业未来发展的必然趋势,电子书、在线阅读、移动阅读也是大势所趋。

    Digital publishing has become a necessity in the future , such as E-book , Online-reading and move-reading .

  9. 针对以上研究结论,并以此为依据,本文提出了对手机移动阅读材料设计的相应改进建议和策略。

    On the basis of the research conclusions , this paper pointed out the corresponding improvement suggestions and strategy .

  10. 首先调整手机移动阅读材料的颜色及字号的设计,切忌盲目根据设计者自身视觉设计安排。

    First modulate the color and size design of mobile phone reading material without blindly design according to designers ' vision .

  11. 在数字化阅读逐渐兴起和发展的信息化时代,手机移动阅读逐渐发展成为数字化阅读中的一种主要方式。

    With the gradual development of digital reading in the information age , mobile phone reading becomes a major way of digital reading .

  12. 移动阅读是指用手机或电子书阅读器等综合通信终端的口袋化、移动化、个人化的电子阅读行为。

    Mobile reading is a personal , electronic , mobile reading behavior by using a mobile phone or e-book reader which is a comprehensive communication terminal .

  13. 然而,针对目前普遍存在的手机移动阅读效率低下,用户阅读倾向性较低等现状,严重制约着手机移动阅读的发展。

    However , nowadays the efficiency of mobile phone reading is low and users ' reading tendency is bad , which seriously restrict the development of mobile phone reading .

  14. 通过对移动阅读领域里数据业务、移动阅读用户行为、新闻类客户端三个方面的解析,明确了基于移动互联网的媒体发布平台及客户端应用的研究意义。

    Through the analysis of data service , mobile readers ' behavior and news client , the thesis discusses the significance of media publishing platform and client applications research .

  15. 移动阅读是目前新出现的一种阅读方式,这种阅读方式产生的背景是什么,以及对中国而言,移动阅读的普及存在的困难和障碍是什么,本文围绕这两点展开了深入探讨。

    Mobile reading is a newly emerging way of reading at present . This paper analyzes the background of mobile reading , as well as the difficulty of its application in China .

  16. 同时,结合模糊综合评价方法,发散运用用户体验的量化方法,为移动阅读设备的体验评价与设计改进提供具有参考价值的研究思路和方法。

    Meanwhile , combine fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , divergent use the user experience quantitative methods , Provide valuable research ideas and methods for mobile reading devices experience evaluation and design improvement .

  17. 近年来,手机电子书市场蓬勃发展,已经成为了电子消费市场的一个新亮点。但是现有的手机移动阅读的运营模式都存在着一定的缺陷。

    In recent years , the rapid development of mobile e-books has become a new bright spot in consumer electronics market . However , the existing operating mode of mobile phone reading subsist some defects .

  18. 本文基于手机移动阅读平台,从用户的认知心理和使用需求角度考虑,针对手机阅读材料内容结构及呈现方式等影响手机移动阅读效果的因素进行研究。

    Based on the mobile phone reading platform , this paper which considered users ' cognitive psychology and demands researched the influence factors of mobile phone reading such as the material content structure , presentation and so on .

  19. 文章通过介绍嵌入式数据库的概念、结构、工作原理以及在图书馆网络服务中的实现技术,讨论了嵌入式数据库应用中的两个主要问题,指出一个新的移动阅读时代即将到来。

    The article introduces the concept , structure , principles and achieving techniques of Embedded Mobile Database in library network services , discusses the two applied problems of Embedded Mobile Database , gives the prospect of a new mobile-read era .

  20. 然而,用户体验反映的是用户主观的认知感受,关于如何精确评估用户体验值的研究较少,尤其在移动阅读领域,这一课题具有挑战性和研究价值。

    However , the user experience is almost reflected the users ' subjective perception and feelings , the researches about how to accurately assess the value of user experience is few , especially in the field of mobile reading , the subject is challenging and has research value .

  21. 移动阅读的发展,必然会导致社会阅读习惯整体发生改变,图书馆的传统服务模式显然已经无法满足读者想要更快速、更自由的获得书籍及信息资源的愿望,慢慢进入发展的瓶颈时期。

    The development of mobile reading , will inevitably lead to change of whole social reading habits , the traditional library service model apparently has been unable to meet the readers who want to read more quickly and freely , and their desire to get books and information resources .

  22. 采用移动窗口阅读技术深入探讨文本阅读中协调性整合发生的条件。

    Moving window method to investigate the condition of coordinating integration in text-reading was used .

  23. 近年来,这家书店的经营状况每况愈下,因为越来越多的人选择在线阅读或用移动设备阅读。

    Its fortunes have waned in recent years as more and more people have opted to read online or on mobile devices .

  24. 通过两个移动窗口阅读实验,探讨了不同预测性和语义倾向性的惯用语在不同语境下的阅读时间。

    Two moving window experiments were designed to investigate the effects of predictability and semantic bias in idiom comprehension in different contexts .

  25. 一家出版与互联网公司联盟今年发布的中国电子书发展报告显示,中国约有500万人使用移动设备阅读电子书。阮女士就是其中之一。

    Ms Ruan is one of about 5m Chinese who have taken up reading electronic books on mobile devices , according to the China e-book development report , released this year by an alliance of publishing and internet companies .

  26. 在这个文件内,我们看到主体标记的背景颜色被设为green(00ff00),而且还有字体大小上的变化以便使这些条目更适合在移动设备上阅读。

    In this file , we see that the background color of the body tag is set to green ( # 00ff00 ) and the tweaking of some font sizes to make the entries more easily read on the mobile device .

  27. 结果表明,移动速度对阅读理解是至关重要的因素,并且与显示窗口长度呈现出一定的交互作用趋势;

    The results showed that display rate was the most important factor to Chinese reading comprehension , and it also interacted with window length ;

  28. 卡恩说,在移动设备上阅读以及寻找信息和文章会产生一种消费者行为。许多人已经在该领域进行创新。

    ' There is a consumer behavior around reading and finding information and articles on mobile devices , and lots of people have innovated in this space , ' Mr. Cahan said .

  29. 采用移动窗口技术探讨阅读中信息在头脑中的表征方式和激活策略。

    The moving window method was used to investigate the representation and activation of information in the brain in text-reading .

  30. 在第二章中,笔者设计了三个实验采用自定步调的移动视窗技术对阅读推理中较为重要的连接推理、主题推理和阅读焦点转换进行研究。

    In chapter 2 , three experiments were designed to study the bridging inference , thematic inference and reading focus changing , using self-paced moving window techniques .