
  • 网络mobile internet applications
  1. 如何优化移动互联网应用的网络传输性能是一个亟待解决的问题。

    How to optimize the network transmission performance of mobile Internet applications is an urgent problem .

  2. 云计算是近年来在互联网领域新兴的一个热点,是适合移动互联网应用的一种新模式。

    Cloud Computing is a hotspot in the Internet field in recent years and a new model for mobile Internet applications .

  3. 本文提出基于Android的移动互联网应用基础框架。

    This article proposes an application framework of mobile Internet base on Android platform .

  4. 移动互联网应用社区中的Widget资源变更管理

    Mobile Widget Change Management in Mobile Internet Application Community

  5. 各种移动互联网应用层出不穷。

    All kinds of mobile Internet application are emerging one after another .

  6. 构建移动互联网应用基础设施&打造开放花园

    Mobile Internet Application Infrastructure : An Open Garden

  7. 此外,也有不少动漫企业与移动互联网应用开发商合作,共同打造移动互联网的动漫产业。

    In addition , there are many animation companies and mobile Internet application developers together to create mobile Internet animation industry .

  8. 2000年,徐飞杰先生受爱立信公司委派,回国负责移动互联网应用技术在中国的市场推广。

    In2000 , Mr Xu returned to China upon assignment by Ericsson , in charge of marketing and promotion of mobile Internet enabling technologies .

  9. 良好的移动互联网应用基础设施,从用户接入层面可以为用户提供接入移动互联网应用的便捷通道;

    Based on good mobile Internet application infrastructure , the user access layer can provide users with quick and easy access to mobile Internet applications ;

  10. 但是到目前为止手机移动互联网应用还只是停留在跑马圈地的阶段,只是为了吸引用户,至今仍然找不到一个清晰的盈利模式以及差异化的方式。

    However , mobile internet application has just stayed at accumulating users ' stage until now , no clear profit models and differential methods could be found .

  11. 从长远来看,移动互联网应用将是一种廉价的、最为广泛使用的技术,也是现代旅游业为大众服务的基本技术。

    In the long run , Mobile Internet is not only a cheap , most extensive used technology , but also a basic technology that serve publics in modern tourism .

  12. 移动互联网应用中,尤其是社会化媒体的出现,带来了网络社会化以及社会网络化的趋势。这两种趋势对传统客户行为以及传统的企业客户关系管理带来了明显变革。

    Among many Internet applications , the emergence of social media which has brought the trend of network socialization and society networking has changed obviously the traditional customer behavior and CRM .

  13. 随着越来越多的移动互联网应用成熟并走向商用,固定电话、移动电话、数据报业务、数字电视将结合、演进成一体。

    With more and more mobile internet applications becoming mature and commercial , fixed telephone , mobile phone , data reporting services , digital TV will combine and evolve into one product .

  14. 移动互联网应用打破了以运营商为主导和核心的价值链结构,进而变革了移动商务合作伙伴的合作模式。

    The application of the mobile Internet has broken down the value chain structure in which the mobile network operators ( MNOs ) are dominating and focal , and has changed the partnership modes for partners in mobile commerce .

  15. 最近些年随着智能终端技术的迅猛发展和产品的快速普及,人们越来越倾向于随时随地享受信息服务,对互联网应用的需求急剧增加,并将推动移动互联网应用飞速发展。

    In the past year , with the rapid development of intelligent terminal technology and product , people tend to enjoy information service at any time , any where . It is increasing the demand of Internet application , and driving the development of the mobile Internet applications .

  16. 随着3G时代的到来,人们对移动互联网的应用需求越来越多。

    As the 3G era coming , people will have more and more demand on the Mobile Internet applications .

  17. 目前,基于位置的服务(locationbasedservice,LBS)在我国已经进入高速成长期,业内人士和相关领域专家一致认为,LBS将成为移动互联网行业应用的标配。

    At present , Location based service ( LBS ) in our country has entered a high-speed growth period . Industry insiders and related experts agreed that LBS will become the standard of industry applications .

  18. WPKI为基于移动互联网的应用提供保密性、完整性、不可否认性和身份认证等安全性服务。

    WPKI ( wireless PKI ) provides the security services such as confidentiality , integrity , non-repudiation , and identity authentication for the application based on the mobile Internet .

  19. 基于移动互联网的应用程序商店研究

    Research on the Application Store Based on the Mobile Internet

  20. 移动互联网的应用前景非常广阔。

    The prospect of Mobile Internet is very promising .

  21. 而基于移动互联网的应用软件近年来也呈现爆炸式的增长,之间的竞争日趋激烈。

    Mobile internet-based applications have shown explosive growth and increasing competition in recent years .

  22. 在诸多移动互联网的应用中,越来越多的人开始关注移动电子商务的建设。

    Out of many mobile Internet applications , more and more people are taking interest in the development of mobile e-commerce .

  23. 两者融合产生的移动互联网及其应用,为信息产业带来了巨大商机,极大地影响和改变了人们的生活和工作方式。

    The Mobile Network , resulting from the integration of the two technologies , has brought great business opportunities and influenced the way that people live and work enormously .

  24. 随着移动互联网及其应用的飞速发展,大批个人开发者和小团队加入到了移动互联网应用开发和提供的行列中。

    Along with the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile Internet applications , large quantities of personal developers and small development teams enter the procession of developing and providing mobile Internet applications .

  25. 基于P2P的移动自组织互联网应用平台设计

    The Design of P2P-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Internet Application Platform

  26. IPv6技术及其在移动互联网中的应用

    IPv6 Technology and Its Applications in Mobile Internet

  27. 传媒公司纷纷炫耀自身新推出的移动互联网站点以及应用,吹嘘自己的业务增速是多么迅猛。

    Media companies show off new mobile sites and applications , trumpeting their fast growth .

  28. 用户可以方便地使用各类移动互联网业务和应用,越来越关注用户体验的好坏。

    Users can easily use all kinds of mobile Internet services or applications , and are increasingly concerned about the quality of experience .

  29. 组播技术在移动互联网中的应用可以有效节省宝贵的无线网络带宽,向用户提供更好的业务服务质量。

    Applying multicast technology to mobile Internet could improve the use of efficiency and save precious wireless network bandwidth and provide better quality of service .

  30. 上海洲信本着诚信、创新、高效的服务原则,为广大客户提供高质量的移动增值和互联网应用服务。

    Shanghai continent letter acts on sincere letter , innovation , efficient service principle , the mobile rise in value that offers high quality for broad client and Internet application serve .